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Tttools - Blender批量替换物体插件

admin 2024-06-16 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Tttools v0.1.21在 Blender 中通过旋转和缩放将所选对象复制到选定对象位置。非常适合用您自己的对象替换导入的对象(Autocad 块等)。您可以复制链接或取消链接的对象。它允许您用组实例,链接,元球或曲线替换对象,这在Blender 中是一个问题。您还可以更改复制对象的比例或添加...

Tttools v0.1.21

在 Blender 中通过旋转和缩放将所选对象复制到选定对象位置。非常适合用您自己的对象替换导入的对象(Autocad 块等)。您可以复制链接或取消链接的对象。它允许您用组实例,链接,元球或曲线替换对象,这在Blender 中是一个问题。


假设您有一个充满导入的 autoCAD 树的场景,并且您有一个树作为由曲线和网格组成的集合实例,首先选择 autoCAD 块并将树设置为活动对象会将树精确地分散到块的位置,您还可以添加一些随机缩放或旋转。


或者您有一个进口模型并用搅拌机相机替换空的,TTTools 将立即完成。


Ctrl+Shift+T 激活 TTTools。

Copies the active object to selected objects positions with rotation and scale. Perfect for replacing imported objects(autocad blocks etc.) with your own objects. You can copy the objects linked or unlinked. It lets you replace objects with group instances, links, metaballs or curves which is kind of a problem in vanilla Blender.

You can also change the scale of the copied objects or add some random scale or rotation.

Let's say you have a scene full of imported autocad trees, and you have a tree as a collection instance consisting of curves and meshes, first selecting the autocad blocks and setting the tree as an active object will scatter the trees precisely to the locations of blocks, and you can also add some random scale or rotation. 

Or just the opposite, Replace trees with Circles or a simple mesh to have some kind of a LOD system.

Or you have an imported model and replace the empties with blender cameras, TTTools will do it in no time. 

Ctrl+Shift+T to activate TTTools.

The Story:

Every now and then at the office I need to replace imported objects with trees and benches etc. for further use in UE4 or etc., which is a boring repetitive task, so I actually needed that for my own workflow but thought someone else might find it useful too.

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