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CGCircuit - The Fastest SkinCluster Export Import

admin 2024-06-16 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
CGCircuit - The Fastest SkinCluster Export ImportCGCircuit - 最快的Maya皮肤集群导出导入Python开发教程您是渴望了解顶级视觉效果工作室中使用的行业秘密和工作流程的Maya技术美术师吗?或者,也许是希望提高您的脚本编写、开发和工作流规...

CGCircuit - The Fastest SkinCluster Export Import

CGCircuit - 最快的Maya皮肤集群导出导入Python开发教程


在本培训教程中,我们将学习如何编写 Maya Python 变形器导入器/导出器,它的速度比一些最高级别的 VFX 工作室使用的传统工作流程/代码快 40 倍,输出的文件小 60 倍。10 个工作室中有 9 个以相同、缓慢、过时的方式保存 SkinCluster 权重,我们将改变这一点!

我的名字是Noah Schnapp,我是目前工作室的索具和CFX主管,我也是VFX工作流程/管线顾问,我很高兴与大家分享我多年来学习和开发的行业技术。


数千美元用于改进大型复杂任务,但频繁运行的较小任务的成本对工作室的成功来说是最大的负担。在我的职业生涯中,我曾在各种工作室工作过,主要的常见缺陷是多个艺术家使用的核心工具,这些工具是用 10 多年前实现的相同、缓慢的方法编写的。




The Fastest SkinCluster Export/Import- A Studio Workflow: The Art of Compression.

Are you a Maya Technical Artist dying to learn the Industry secrets and Workflows used in the Top-tier Visual Effects Studios? Or maybe an Individual or Student looking to improve your Scripting, Development, and Workflow Planning skills?

In this Training Series we'll learn how to write a Maya Python Deformer Importer/Exporter that is 40 times faster and outputs a file 60 times smaller than the conventional workflow/code that's used at some of the highest level VFX Studios.

9 out of 10 Studios Save SkinCluster weights in the Same, Slow, Outdated fashion, and we're going to Change That!

My name is Noah Schnapp and I'm the Head of Rigging and CFX at my current studio and I'm also a VFX Workflow/Pipeline Consultant, and I'm happy to share with you the industry techniques I've learned and developed over the years.

We will cover the secret to this incredibly powerful and versatile Compression Algorithm and Workflow. Not only will we examine Deformer data manipulation and extreme compression ratio strategies, we will also open a world of creative coding opportunities to your current and future toolsets. You will never think about development planning and writing code the same way again.

Thousands of dollars are spent on improving large, complex tasks, but the cost of the frequently run, smaller tasks are the most taxing to a studio's success. I've worked at a variety of studios over my career and the main common flaw were core tools used by multiple Artists that were scripted in the same, slow method implemented more than 10 years ago.

Why aren't Studios talking about this? It's a case of "If it's not broken, don't fix it". We all have seen the classic SkinCluster exporters, but this technology does not survive in our world today. We have higher polycounts, more joints, and more characters to rig. If we cut down on the costs of the frequent short tasks, we will save much more time and money rather than focusing our efforts on the rarely used large tasks.

Are you ready to forever change your independent/studio's rigging tools and be an Artist that studios are bending over backwards to hire?

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