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Jason Pose Manager - Blender 姿势保存和管理组件

admin 2024-06-16 4次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Jason Pose Manager Basic v1.03Jason Pose Manager (JPM) 的工作方式类似于 Pose Library (PL),因为它们基本上都是姿势保存和管理附加组件。 就像任何其他 Blender 的资源一样,您可以保存姿势,以便稍后在需要时将它们再次加载到不...

Jason Pose Manager Basic v1.03

Jason Pose Manager (JPM) 的工作方式类似于 Pose Library (PL),因为它们基本上都是姿势保存和管理附加组件。 就像任何其他 Blender 的资源一样,您可以保存姿势,以便稍后在需要时将它们再次加载到不同数量的未来项目中。

JPM 和 Pose Library 之间的区别就像用生日礼物的智能手机拍照和投资专业数码单反相机之间的区别。 他们都拍了很棒的照片。 如今,即使是智能手机的拍照能力实际上也比单反相机更好,也更易于使用。

有了智能手机,您到底为什么要花费数百甚至数千美元购买专业数码单反相机,只是为了做基本相同的事情,即拍照? 我可以用两个词来概括答案:专用功能。

当每个专用功能单独分解时,它并不是很大。 他们不使用屏幕来调整设置,而是使用按钮。 他们不必点击三次,而只需点击一次。 变化不大吧? 但是,当你将它们结合在一起,并且经常使用它们时,你就会开始感觉到那些微小的渐进的好处会变成一种集体更好的体验。


Jason Pose Manager (JPM) works like Pose Library (PL), in that they both are basically pose saving and management add-ons. Just like any other Blender's assets, you can save the poses, so that you can load them again later into a different number of future projects when you need so.

The difference between JPM and Pose Library is the difference between taking pictures with a smartphone that you got for your birthday and investing a professional DSLR. They both take great pictures. Even smartphones today are actually getting better at taking pictures than DSLR, and not to mention, easier to use as well.

With a smartphone, well, you got it for your birthday, so it's basically free. So, why on earth would you spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars investing a professional DSLR just to do basically the same thing, that is taking pictures? I can sum up the answer in two words: dedicated functionalities.

Dedicated functionalities, when broken down each on its own, is not really big. Instead of using screen to adjust settings, they use buttons. Instead of having to click three times, they only have to do it once. Not so big of a change right? But when you combine them together, and when you use them often, you will then start to feel those small incremental betterness turn into one collectively better experience.

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