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Altair pollex

admin 2024-06-16 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Altair pollex 2023.0 Win64加速电子系统从设计到制造的开发。交付最先进的电子产品需要的不仅仅是连接 ECAD 和 MCAD 世界,还需要在整个开发过程中以设计速度进行基于物理的分析以及跨学科的协作。 Altair PollEx 将 Altair 的仿真驱动设计理念引入电子行业...

Altair pollex 2023.0 Win64


交付最先进的电子产品需要的不仅仅是连接 ECAD 和 MCAD 世界,还需要在整个开发过程中以设计速度进行基于物理的分析以及跨学科的协作。 Altair PollEx 将 Altair 的仿真驱动设计理念引入电子行业,激发创新,同时确保项目满足时序、性能、可靠性、寿命、合规性以及制造良率的目标。

PollEx 是一种与所有主要 ECAD 工具无缝集成的解决方案,可加速当今智能、互联和紧密封装电子产品的开发。 全球行业领导者使用 PollEx 来提高效率、提高绩效、实现团队合作并加强协作。 Altair 提供完整系统分析解决方案,将机械、热、电磁和嵌入式代码集成到一个设计流程中。


Accelerating Electronic Systems Development from Design to Manufacturing

Delivering state-of-the-art electronic products requires more than just linking the ECAD and MCAD worlds – it requires physics-based analysis at the speed of design and collaboration across disciplines throughout development. Altair® PollEx™ brings Altair’s simulation-driven design philosophy to the electronics industry, inspiring innovation while ensuring projects meet targets for timing, performance, reliability, lifetime, and compliance, and manufacturing yield.

PollEx is a solution that seamlessly integrates with all major ECAD tools and accelerates the development of today’s smart, connected, and tightly packaged electronic products. Global industry leaders use PollEx to improve efficiency, increase performance, enable teamwork, and enhance collaboration. Altair offers solutions for full system analysis that integrate mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, and embedded code in one design flow.

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