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Cam-Manager - Blender相机管理插件

admin 2024-06-16 10次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Cam-Manager 1.1.1Cam-Manager 是一个插件,用于组织场景摄像机并直接从 3D 视图调整其设置。 该插件的使命是让所有与相机相关的相关设置和信息尽可能贴近用户。 相机处理应该变得像使用智能手机相机一样简单快捷。功能概述:一目了然地查看所有相机和常见相机设置:在进行调整或重命名...

Cam-Manager 1.1.1

Cam-Manager 是一个插件,用于组织场景摄像机并直接从 3D 视图调整其设置。 该插件的使命是让所有与相机相关的相关设置和信息尽可能贴近用户。 相机处理应该变得像使用智能手机相机一样简单快捷。



使用热键(默认:Ctrl + Shift + 向左/向右箭头)以及从不同的插件概述面板切换相机。





摄像机集合:创建或指定现有摄像机集合,以便轻松为其分配单个或所有摄像机。 让它们在大纲视图中井井有条,并快速隐藏/显示所有它们。

背景图像设置:打开/关闭背景图像、调整不透明度或直接从 3D 视图(饼图菜单)更改渲染顺序。






Cam-Manager is an addon to organize scene cameras and tweak their settings directly from the 3D view. The mission of this addon is to bring all camera-related relevant settings and information as close to the user as possible. Camera handling should become as simple and fast as using a smartphone camera.

Feature Overview

View all cameras and common camera settings at a glance: Compare different camera settings when doing your adjustments or when renaming your cameras.

Toggle Cameras with hotkeys (default: Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left/Right) and from the different addon overview panels.

Slick and efficient UI

Camera Resolution: Assign different resolutions to each camera

Lock/Unlock Camera: Lock/Unlock all camera transformations instantly from both the overview panel or pie menu

Render Slots: Assign different render slots to different cameras to avoid overwriting other camera renders.

Camera Collection: Create or specify an existing camera collection to easily assign individual or all cameras to it. Keep them organized in the Outliner and quickly hide/show all of them.

Background Image Settings: Toggle the background image on/off, adjust opacity or change the render order directly from the 3D view (Pie menu).

Resolution from Background Image: Set the camera resolution from the camera background image.

World Material: Assign different world materials per Camera.

Exposure: Compensate lighting intensity changes from cameras by assigning a camera-specific exposure value.

Change hotkeys to your likings from the addon preferences.

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