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Coloso - Stunning 2D motion graphics created with After Effects

admin 2024-06-16 21次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Coloso - Stunning 2D motion graphics created with After Effects使用 After Effects 创建的令人惊叹的 2D 动画教程。了解 After Effects 的基本属性您不需要学习 AE 的每一个功能来创造伟大的东西。 从整体界面...

Coloso - Stunning 2D motion graphics created with After Effects

使用 After Effects 创建的令人惊叹的 2D 动画教程。

了解 After Effects 的基本属性

您不需要学习 AE 的每一个功能来创造伟大的东西。 从整体界面到动画和渲染,快速学习创作美学作品所需的基本功能。


擅长处理位置、旋转和缩放真的就足够了吗? 通过练习基础知识,您可以学习如何使用更少的功能来简化流程,同时仍然创建与使用插件的视频一样好的视频。


使用您在整个课程中完成的练习来完成您自己的作品集。 另外,获取有关如何管理您的投资组合的提示。



Learn the Fundamental Properties of After Effects

You don't need to learn every single feature of AE to create something great. From the overall interface to animation and rendering, quickly learn the basic functions necessary for creating aesthetic work.

Make Aesthetic Videos With

Just the Basics

Is being good at dealing with position, rotation, and scale really enough? By practicing the basics, you can learn how to streamline the process by using less functions while still creating videos that look as good as ones that use plug-ins.

Check Out a Portfolio Made Using the Practice Exercises

Complete your very own portfolio using the practice exercises you complete throughout the class. Plus, get tips on how to manage your portfolio.

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