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Manta Pro

admin 2024-06-16 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Manta Pro v1.2.1MantaPro V1.3.1MantaPro V1.3.1 For Blender 4.0让Blender流体模拟变得简单。MantaPro是Blender的插件,完全重新定义了流体模拟工作流程。一个面板,所有设置MantaPro将所有设置移动并重新组织到3D视口中...

Manta Pro v1.2.1

MantaPro V1.3.1

MantaPro V1.3.1 For Blender 4.0









设置太多。简化它。MantaPro 具有 3 种独立的 UI 模式:默认、简化和 Blender,可以轻松学习和使用流体模拟。


快速添加和调整逼真的 Ember 粒子,用于液体和火焰模拟。




调整模拟后,需要清除重播缓存。通常,这会中断工作流程,并需要手动调整当前帧。现在只需按一个按钮或使用简单的快捷方式!(按 Ctrl+R)



- 快速设置和粒子链接,

- 轻松改变粒径,

- 快速切换粒子活力,

- 自定义粒子支持



Fluid Simulation Made Easy

Speed, Power, Flexibility.

MantaPro is an addon for Blender that completely redefines the fluid simulation workflow.

One Panel, Every Setting

MantaPro moves and reorganizes all the settings into one panel in the 3D viewport. No other editors needed!

Always Active Simulation

Say goodbye to the days of constantly selecting the domain, flows, effectors, or force fields just to make a small adjustment. With MantaPro, they are always selected, so you always have access to every setting.

Quick Setup Presets

Why Build the same base simulation multiple times when you just need to adjust a few settings. That's why MantaPro has a powerful Quick Setup system. You can even create your own.

Multiple UIs

Too many settings. Simplify it. With 3 separate UI modes: default, simplified, and Blender, MantaPro makes it easy to learn and use fluid simulation.

Ember Particle System

Quickly add and adjust realistic Ember particles for both liquid and fire simulations.

Paint Fire and Smoke

Start painting fire and smoke simulations in one click, streamlining the workflow for faster and more artistic freedom

Clear replay cache

After adjusting the simulation, the replay cache needs to be cleared. Normally, this would interrupt the workflow and require the manual adjustment of the current frame. Now just press one button or use a simple shortcut! (CTRL+R)

Liquid Particle tools

Add and adjust spray, foam, and bubble particles quickly and with ease, using specialized tools.

- Fast setup and particle linking,

- Easily change particle size,

- Quickly toggle particle viability,

- Custom particle support

And Much More: This is only 8 of the many features MantaPro has to offer, and MantaPro is under continual development. 

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