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Palette Effects Panel

admin 2024-06-16 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Palette Effects Panel 2.0.1借助Palette Effects Panel Photoshop 调色板工具,您将进入照片编辑可能性的新世界。 它利用色彩理论的原理来确保您在编辑过程中做出明智的色彩决策。 不要让“理论”这个词迷惑了您,您可以学习色彩理论!使用“Palette...

Palette Effects Panel 2.0.1

借助Palette Effects Panel Photoshop 调色板工具,您将进入照片编辑可能性的新世界。 它利用色彩理论的原理来确保您在编辑过程中做出明智的色彩决策。 不要让“理论”这个词迷惑了您,您可以学习色彩理论!

使用“Palette Effects Panel 调色板效果”,您不会跳入一个为您带来按钮式满足感的 Photoshop 扩展。 通过Palette Effects Panel,您正在使用一个非破坏性的、依赖工作流程的系统,该系统受到伟大画家的色彩理论原则的支持。 教育+小组将加速您的后期制作知识,曾经令人窒息的“色彩理论”将成为您的第二天性!



With Palette Effects you will have access to a new world of photo editing possibilities. It leverages the principles of Color Theory to ensure you are making informed color decisions during the editing process.  Don’t let the word Theory befuddle you, you can learn Color Theory!

With Palette Effects you are not hopping into a Photoshop Extension that gives you push-button satisfaction, save that for the other panels.  With Palette Effects you are working with a non-destructive, workflow-reliant system that is backed by the color theory principles of the great painters.  The education + the panel will accelerate your post-production knowledge and the once stifling “Color Theory” will become second nature to you!

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