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Digital Anarchy bundle - 智能图像视频增强软件包

admin 2024-06-16 9次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Digital Anarchy AE bundle 2021 CEDigital Anarchy Bundle 2021.9 Win x64Digital Anarchy Bundle 2023.9 CE Win x64Digital Anarchy Bundle 2023.9 Win x64Dig...

Digital Anarchy AE bundle 2021 CE

Digital Anarchy Bundle 2021.9 Win x64

Digital Anarchy Bundle 2023.9 CE Win x64

Digital Anarchy Bundle 2023.9 Win x64

Digital Anarchy系列软件包。直接安装。Digital Anarchy 是视频编辑,广播设计师和摄影师创建智能图像增强软件包。


Beauty Box

Flicker Free

Light Wrap



Digital Anarchy 是加利福尼亚州旧金山的一家私营公司,为视频编辑,广播设计师和摄影师创建智能图像增强软件。这些工具可让您在制作上花费更少的时间,将更多的时间花在创意工作上,解决从皮肤平滑软件到消除视频闪烁的问题。Digital Anarchy 产品适用于 Adobe After Effects、Final Cut Pro、Premiere Pro、Avid、Davinci Resolve、Assimilate Scratch 和 Photoshop。

Digital Anarchy is a privately owned company in San Francisco, CA that creates smart image enhancement software for video editors, broadcast designers and photographers. These tools let you spend less time in production and more time on creative work, solving issues from skin smoothing software to removing flicker from video. Digital Anarchy products work in Adobe After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, Avid, Davinci Resolve, Assimilate Scratch and Photoshop. 


Beauty Box Video 插件让你的模特皮肤效果在后期制作上得到一个令人难以置信的改造。该视频特效插件自动识别肤色和去除瑕疵,同时留下重要的面部细节。视频编辑师和艺术家不再需要手动创建蒙版或润饰框架。无论是用于电影,音乐视频或一个企业的特写,Beauty Box视频插件是一个强大的工具。

Beauty Box is simple and automatic to use. This video plugin automatically identifies skin tones and creates a mask that limits the smoothing effect to just the skin areas. Just apply the filter, let it analyze the video, set a few Smoothing options, and let the plugin render to make skin retouching incredibly easy. That's it!

Flicker Free 是一个功能强大的新方法去除视频的闪烁。它解决了一个很常见的多种类型的镜头的问题,无论是灯光和相机不同步,时间的流逝或慢动作(高帧速率)视频产生的闪烁,LED和荧光灯或电脑显示器滚动闪烁。

Flicker Free is a powerful and simple way to remove flicker from your video. We offer presets for different types of footage, making it easy to eliminate flicker caused by out of sync cameras, time-lapse, or slow-motion video. Flicker Free will work on any sized footage and is compatible with a wide range of video editing applications such as After Effects, Premiere Pro, FCP, Avid, Resolve, and Vegas.

Light Wrap Fantastic 可以让用户轻松地将背景和前景混合在一起,这样看起来背景的光线会影响前景,从而实现更好的合成效果。基本上模拟背光。该插件有所有的控件,你需要创建一个现实的轻包装,使它成为一个快速而简单的过程。

The Light Wrap Fantastic enables better composites by easily allowing users to blend the background with the foreground in such a way that it appears the light of the background is affecting the foreground. Essentially simulating backlighting. The plugin has all the controls you need to create a realistic light wrap making it a quick and easy process.

PowerSearch 是一个强大的元数据搜索工具,它直接与Adobe Premiere Pro集成并作为面板打开。这种智能的新搜索功能使编辑能够快速搜索整个项目中的元数据,并根据这些关键字搜索即时定位特定的剪辑和序列,从而简化视频编辑。

PowerSearch is a powerful metadata search tool that integrates directly with Adobe Premiere Pro and opens as a panel. This intelligent new search capability enables editors to quickly scour an entire project for metadata and instantly locate specific clips and sequences based on those keyword searches, enabling streamlined video editing.

Samurai 视频画面通常是有点软,加强它来锐化某些细节可以使世界不同。Samurai Sharpen可以让你很快做到这一点,设计的工具,让你很容易地隔离特定领域的镜头,只锐化这些领域。这是最先进的锐化视频片段,精确而简单。

Video footage is often a little soft and enhancing it to sharpen certain details can make a world of difference. Samurai Sharpen allows you to do this quickly with tools designed to let you easily isolate specific areas of the footage and only sharpen those areas. It's state-of-the-art sharpening for video footage that's precise and simple.

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