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Coloso - Mastering C4D A Step-by-Step Guide to Unleashing Your Potential

admin 2024-06-16 12次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Coloso - Mastering C4D A Step-by-Step Guide to Unleashing Your Potential [English and Korean subs included]Coloso - Mastering C4D A Step-by-Step Guide...

Coloso - Mastering C4D A Step-by-Step Guide to Unleashing Your Potential [English and Korean subs included]

Coloso - Mastering C4D A Step-by-Step Guide to Unleashing Your Potential (Improved EN Subtitles)

掌握 Cinema 4D 释放潜力的分步教程,包括英语和韩语字幕。向前迈出一大步,最大限度地发挥你的能力,创造改变生活的工作。107GB。


您是否无法找到合适的地方来获取高级 C4D 技能?

如果您想进一步发展您的职业生涯或者您的目标是在国际工作室工作,那么您就不用再犹豫了。 参与“科幻短片:WAI”项目,并从三位 C4D 艺术家:Woosung Kang、Gryun Kim 和 Taehoon Park 那里获得整个制作过程的实践知识。

本课程将引导您完成开发视觉上引人注目的设计、使用 KitBash 创建空间和对象、角色绑定、动作捕捉动画以及除了高质量纹理之外的合成的过程。 提高您的 C4D 技能,制作独特的作品,并将它们纳入您的作品集。


Take a giant leap forward and maximize your abilities to create life-changing work.

Do you wish to independently produce short films with a Hollywood quality?

Are you having trouble locating the right place to acquire advanced C4D skills?

Look no farther if you want to further your career or if your goal is to work at an international studio. Work on the "Sci-Fi Short Film: WAI" project and gain practical knowledge of the whole production process from three C4D artists: Woosung Kang, Gryun Kim, and Taehoon Park.

This class will walk you through the process of developing visually striking designs, using KitBash to create spaces and objects, character rigging, motion capture animation, and compositing in addition to high-quality texturing. Improve your C4D skills, produce unique pieces, and include them in your portfolio.

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