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Blendermarket - Intro to Motion Graphics (Blender Course)

admin 2024-06-16 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Blendermarket - Intro to Motion Graphics (Blender Course)Blendermarket - Blender 动画教程,22.1GB。课程简介:第 1 课在本课中,我将向您展示如何在无缝循环中对课程中使用的每个组件进行动画处理(着色、几何节点、关键...

Blendermarket - Intro to Motion Graphics (Blender Course)

Blendermarket - Blender 动画教程,22.1GB。



第 1 课






第 4 课

这是我们第一次深入研究几何节点。 您将学习一个简单的设置,为您提供很大的创造性灵活性。


本课以上一课为基础。 它利用了我们刚刚学到的知识,并进一步展示了几何节点的潜力。

第 6 课

本课程教您如何在一个几何节点树中制作整个场景。 我们将学习如何控制在着色器编辑器中建模的每个组件。


我们将按程序制作逼真的剥落油漆材质。 通过本课程,您将了解此过程如何产生各种材料。 本课程将为您准备我们将在后续课程中制作的材料。


本课是另一节大型几何节点课。 我们将学习如何按程序删除几何图形,制作丛启发的图案,以及非常详细的动画科幻材料。

第 9 课

本课程将向您展示如何在着色器编辑器中创建可动画化的图案并将它们对齐以形成网格图案。 我们将学习一种使用过程模式的非常强大的循环技术。


上一课为我们做好了这一课的准备。 整个课程是从位移到形成山丘的图案的程序。 这是一堂非常密集的课。


我们将学习有关如何使用文本工具的所有内容。 然后我们将以此为基础展示材料如何增强文本几何形状。 我们还将学习如何自定义关键帧以获得更好的运动效果。


完全在 Eevee 中渲染,我们将学习如何操纵体积来创建空间云、简单的几何节点粒子系统,以及如何进行循环相机抖动。




这是完成课程的大几何节点场景。 我们将在几何节点中构建一个完整的环境,并使用动力学原理让球滚动。 本课使用了本课程中几乎每节课的一些内容!


Lesson 1

in this lesson lwill show you how every component used in the course can beanimated in a seamless loop(shading, Geometry Nodes, keyframing...)

Lesson 2

l will show you the basics of using the shader workspace to makeprocedural patterns.

Lesson 3

We will be learning how to use masking to make more detailed patterns andhow they are used in motion graphics.

Lesson 4

This is our first dive into geometry nodes. You will learn a simple setup that gives you a lot of creative flexibility. 

Lesson 5

This lesson builds off of the previous lesson. It takes what we just learned and takes it a lot further to show the potential of geometry nodes.

Lesson 6

This lesson teaches how you can make an entire scene in just one Geometry nodes tree. We will learn how to control each component that we modeled in the shader editor. 

Lesson 7

We will be making a realistic chipped paint material procedurally. Through this lesson you will learn how this process can yield a wide variety of materials. This lesson will set you up for the materials we will make in later lessons. 

Lesson 8

This lesson is another big geometry nodes lesson. We will learn how to delete geometry  procedurally, make a plexus inspired pattern, and a very detailed & animated scifi material.

Lesson 9 

This lesson will show you how to create animatable patterns in the shader editor & align them to form a grid pattern. We will learn a very powerful looping technique for using procedural patterns.

Lesson 10

The previous lesson set us up for this one. This entire lesson is procedural from the displacement to the pattern that makes the hills. This is a very dense lesson.

Lesson 11

We will learn everything about how to use the text tool. Then we will take that and show how materials can enhance the text geometry. We will also learn how to customize our keyframes for better motion.

Lesson 12

rendered entirely in Eevee, we will learn how to manipulate volume to create space clouds, a simple geometry nodes particle system, and how to make looping camera shake.

Lesson 13

This is a fun one, we will be making a kinetic animation that allows the spheres to roll around and loop the camera on a new axis we haven't done yet in the course.

Lesson 14

this is the BIG geometry nodes scene to finalize the course. We will be building an entire environment in geometry nodes and using the kinetic principles to get the ball to roll around. This lesson uses bits of almost every lesson in this course! 

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