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admin 2024-06-16 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
moi3d v3 portableMoi3d v3.0moi3d v3fullMoi 3D 3.0 WinMoi 3D 4 Beta Jan-22-2020 x64 [Win]Moi portable 4.0 beta Jan-22-2020MOI3D v4 for MacMoI3D v4.0 Wi...

moi3d v3 portable

Moi3d v3.0

moi3d v3full

Moi 3D 3.0 Win

Moi 3D 4 Beta Jan-22-2020 x64 [Win]

Moi portable 4.0 beta Jan-22-2020

MOI3D v4 for Mac

MoI3D v4.0 Windows x64


Moi3D自由设计大师:是一个强大、精确、易用的三维建模软件,友好的界面、强大的工具,使得整个工作流程变得更 加简单、快捷。对于那些在使用复杂的CAD工具感到头疼的人来说,MOI3D将是一个非常好的选择。良好的兼容性,确定了MOI3D广泛的应用范围,可与 建筑设计行业应用最广泛的概念设计软件 SketchUp结合,对于异形体建筑方案进行推敲;也与工业设计软件Rhino3D(犀牛)的结合更是浑然天 成,甚至文件格式完全相同等等。


MoI's sleek intuitive UI blends a fluid easy workflow with powerful  tools, making it the perfect choice for someone who has been frustrated  with the complexity of existing CAD tools.

MoI is also a fantastic complementary tool for a polygon-based  artist since its CAD toolset and advanced boolean functions enable  extremely rapid creation of mechanical or man-made type hard surface models. The icing on the cake is MoI's unique polygon mesh export that  generates exceptionally clean and crisp N-Gon polygon meshes from CAD  NURBS models.



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