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Phantom LUTs for Sony A7s3 & FX6 - 2023 Updated

admin 2024-06-16 7次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Phantom LUTs for Sony A7s3 & FX6 - 2023 UpdatedPhantom LUTs - Sony A7s3 & FX6 (Updated 2023) - lutA7s3、Fx3 和 Fx6 是改变游戏规则的相机,具有令人难以置信的功能、图像质量和低...

Phantom LUTs for Sony A7s3 & FX6 - 2023 Updated

Phantom LUTs - Sony A7s3 & FX6 (Updated 2023) - lut

A7s3、Fx3 和 Fx6 是改变游戏规则的相机,具有令人难以置信的功能、图像质量和低光能力,所有这些都在超紧凑的外形中。

索尼色彩科学确实取得了长足的进步,但我仍然觉得还有改进的余地。对我来说,色彩科学的黄金标准仍然在ARRI数字摄影机系列中找到,因此以我自己的ARRI Amira为基准,我开发了一个LUT,对Alexa709 LUT的色彩科学进行逆向工程,我一直发现它看起来很电影感和自然感,直接来自镜头;结果是我的“幻影中性LUT”。


The A7s3, Fx3 and Fx6 are game changing cameras, with incredible features, image quality and lowlight capability all in a super compact form factor.

The Sony colour science has really come a long way but I still felt there was room for improvement.

To me, the gold standard for colour science is still to be found in the ARRI Digital Camera family, and so using my own ARRI Amira as a benchmark, I developed a LUT that reverse engineers the colour science of the Alexa709 LUT, which I’ve always found to look filmic and natural, straight out of camera; The result is my ‘Phantom Neutral LUT’.

Using this ARRI Emulation as a base, I further developed 10 additional creative LUTs divided into two LUT Packages centred around two themes:The 'ARRI Looks’The 'Film Looks'


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