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nTopology - 创新性产品的工程设计软件

admin 2024-06-16 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
nTopology 4.12.2 Win x64nTopology v4.13.3 Win x64nTopology 4.14.2 Win x64nTopology 4.16.3 Win x64nTopology 4.17.3 Win x64nTopology 4.18.2 Win x64nTopo...

nTopology 4.12.2 Win x64

nTopology v4.13.3 Win x64

nTopology 4.14.2 Win x64

nTopology 4.16.3 Win x64

nTopology 4.17.3 Win x64

nTopology 4.18.2 Win x64

nTopology 4.19.2 Win x64

nTopology 4.21.2 Win x64

nTopology 4.22.2 Win x64

nTopology 4.23.2 Win x64

nTopology 4.24.3 Win x64

nTopology 4.25.2 Win x64

nTopology 4.26.4 Win x64

世界上最具创新性产品的工程设计软件。nTop 使您能够解决增材制造的复杂工程问题。


接收实时反馈,性能提高 10 到 100 倍,因为在其他软件中需要几分钟的复杂建模操作在 nTop 中会立即完成。


创建传统 CAD 中无法实现的复杂几何图形,并使用数学、数据和逻辑管理设计复杂性。




nTop 使您能够访问一组独特的功能,使您能够改变设计、优化和扩展产品开发的方式。


Engineering design software for the world's most innovative products.

Why use nTop for product design?

nTop enables you to solve complex engineering problems for additive manufacturing.


Receive real-time feedback and 10x to 100x performance increases because complex modeling operations that take minutes in other software become instantaneous in nTop.


Create intricate geometries that would be impossible in traditional CAD, and manage design complexity using math, data, and logic.


Build reusable design processes that won't break even when their inputs change, and connect workflows to your existing engineering software stack.

Get your hands on the most powerful design software for additive manufacturing

nTop gives you access to a unique set of capabilities that allow you to transform the way you design, refine, and scale product development.

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