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Paintings from London Art Museum - 参考资料

admin 2024-06-16 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Paintings from London Art Museum - 参考资料伦敦艺术博物馆的画作2400+张,都是高清无变形的照片,17.4GBAbraham Begeijn - Peasants with Cattle by a RuinAbraham de Pape - Tobit and A...

Paintings from London Art Museum - 参考资料



Abraham Begeijn - Peasants with Cattle by a Ruin

Abraham de Pape - Tobit and Anna

Abraham Raguineau - Portrait of a Young Man in Grey

Abraham Storck - A River View

Abraham van Calraet - A Boy holding a Grey Horse

Abraham van Calraet - A Horse with a Saddle Beside it

Abraham van Calraet - Scene on the Ice outside Dordrecht

Abraham van Calraet - The Interior of a Stable

Adam Elsheimer - Saint Lawrence prepared for Martyrdom

Adam Elsheimer - Saint Paul on Malta

Adam Elsheimer - The Baptism of Christ

Adam-Fran?ois van der Meulen - Philippe Fran?ois d'Arenberg meeting Troops

Adolph Menzel - Afternoon in the Tuileries Gardens

Adolphe Monticelli - A Vase of Wild Flowers

Adolphe Monticelli - Conversation Piece

Adolphe Monticelli - Fountain in a Park

Adolphe Monticelli - Meeting Place of the Hunt

Adolphe Monticelli - Still Life - Fruit

Adolphe Monticelli - Still Life - Oysters, Fish

Adolphe Monticelli - Subject Composition (1)

Adolphe Monticelli - Subject Composition

Adolphe Monticelli - Sunrise

Adolphe Monticelli - Sunset

Adolphe Monticelli - The Hayfield

Adolphe Monticelli - Torchlight Procession

Adriaen Brouwer - Tavern Scene

Adriaen van de Velde - A Farm with a Dead Tree

Adriaen van de Velde - A Goat and a Kid

Adriaen van de Velde - A Landscape with a Farm by a Stream

Adriaen van de Velde - Animals near a Building

Adriaen van de Velde - Golfers on the Ice near Haarlem

Adriaen van de Velde - Peasants with Cattle fording a Stream

Adriaen van de Velde - The Edge of a Wood

Adriaen van der Werff - A Boy with a Mousetrap

Adriaen van der Werff - Portrait of a Man in a Quilted Gown

Adriaen van der Werff - The Rest on the Flight into Egypt

Adriaen van Ostade - A Peasant courting an Elderly Woman

Adriaen van Ostade - A Peasant holding a Jug and a Pipe

Adriaen van Ostade - An Alchemist

Adriaen van Ostade - The Interior of an Inn

Adriaen Ysenbrandt - The Magdalen in a Landscape

Aelbert Cuyp - A Herdsman with Five Cows by a River

Aelbert Cuyp - A Hilly Landscape with Figures

Aelbert Cuyp - A Landscape with Horseman, Herders and Cattle

Aelbert Cuyp - A River Scene with Distant Windmills

Aelbert Cuyp - Peasants and Cattle by the River Merwede

Aelbert Cuyp - Portrait of a Bearded Man

Aelbert Cuyp - River Landscape with Horseman and Peasants

Aelbert Cuyp - The Large Dort

Aelbert Cuyp - The Maas at Dordrecht in a Storm

Aelbert Cuyp - The Small Dort

Aelbert Cuyp - Ubbergen Castle

Aert de Gelder - Judah and Tamar

Aert van der Neer - A Frozen River by a Town at Evening

Aert van der Neer - A Frozen River near a Village, with Golfers and Skaters

Aert van der Neer - A Landscape with a River at Evening

Aert van der Neer - A River Landscape with a Village

Aert van der Neer - A River near a Town, by Moonlight

Aert van der Neer - A View along a River near a Village at Evening

Aert van der Neer - A Village by a River in Moonlight

Aert van der Neer - An Evening Landscape with a Horse and Cart by a Stream

Aert van der Neer - An Evening View near a Village

After Adam Elsheimer - Tobias and the Archangel Raphael

After Adriaen de Vries - Girl Bathing

After Adriaen van Ostade - A Cobbler

After Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick

After Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of the Artist

After Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - The Birth of the Virgin

After Benozzo Gozzoli - The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels

After Bernardino Luini - Christ

After Bernardino Luini - Saint Catherine

After Bonifazio di Pitati - Dives and Lazarus

After Bronzino - Portrait of Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany

After Carlo Dolci - The Virgin and Child with Flowers

After Caspar Netscher - A Musical Party

After Correggio - Christ presented to the People (Ecce Homo)

After Correggio - Group of Heads (1)

After Correggio - Group of Heads

After Correggio - The Agony in the Garden

After David Teniers the Younger - A Country Festival near Antwerp

After Dosso Dossi - A Female Saint

After El Greco - Saint Peter

After Francesco del Cossa (Carrine Palmieri and Rosa Falcone) - Scenes from the Life of Saint Vincent Ferrer

After Francesco Francia - The Virgin and Child with an Angel

After Frans van Mieris the Elder - An Old Fiddler

After Gentile Bellini - Doge Niccolò Marcello

After Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - The Virgin and Child with Saint Paul and Saint Francis

After Gonzales Coques - Taste

After Guercino - A Bearded Man holding a Lamp

After Guido Reni - Head of Christ Crowned with Thorns

After Guido Reni - Perseus and Andromeda

After Gustave Courbet - The Sea near Palavas

After Hugo van der Goes - The Death of the Virgin

After Hugo van der Goes - The Nativity, at Night

After Jacob de Gheyn III - Saint Paul seated reading

After Jacopo Tintoretto - The Miracle of Saint Mark

After Jan Steen - An Itinerant Musician saluting Two Women in a Kitchen

After Jean-Antoine Watteau - Perfect Harmony

after Jean-Fran?ois Detroy - The Game of Pied de B?uf

After Joos van Cleve - The Adoration of the Kings

After Massimo Stanzione - Monks and Holy Women mourning over the Dead Christ

After Michelangelo - Leda and the Swan

After Michelangelo - The Dream of Human Life

After Nicolas Poussin - The Holy Family with Saints Elizabeth and John

After Nicolas Poussin - The Triumph of Silenus

After Padovanino - Cornelia and her Sons

After Paris Bordone - Portrait of a Young Woman

After Peter Paul Rubens - The Horrors of War

After Pierre Subleyras - The Barque of Charon

After Pietro Perugino - The Baptism of Christ

After Quinten Massys - Christ

After Quinten Massys - The Virgin

After Raphael - The Madonna and Child

After Robert Campin - The Virgin and Child in an Apse with Two Angels

After Rosalba Giovanna Carriera - Rosalba Carriera

After Salvator Rosa - An Angel appears to Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert

After Salvator Rosa - The Philosophers' Wood

After Stefano Maderno - Hercules and Antaeus

After The Brunswick Monogrammist - Itinerant Entertainers in a Brothel

After Titian - Portrait of a Man (Girolamo Fracastoro)

After Titian - The Trinity (La Gloria)

After Wallerant Vaillant - A Boy seated Drawing

Agnolo Gaddi - The Coronation of the Virgin

Agostino Carracci - A Woman borne off by a Sea God

Agostino Carracci - Cephalus carried off by Aurora in her Chariot

Akseli Gallen-Kallela - Lake Keitele

Albrecht Altdorfer - Christ taking Leave of his Mother

Albrecht Altdorfer - Landscape with a Footbridge

Albrecht Dürer - Saint Jerome

Albrecht Dürer - The Painter's Father

Alessandro Longhi - Caterina Penza

Alesso Baldovinetti - Portrait of a Lady

Alexandre Calame - The Lake of Thun

Alfred Sisley - The Seine at Port-Marly

Alfred Sisley - The Watering Place at Marly-le-Roi

Alfred Stevens - Storm at Honfleur

Alfred Stevens - The Present

Alfred William Finch - The Channel at Nieuport

Allart van Everdingen - A Saw-mill by a Torrent

Allegretto Nuzi - Saint Catherine and Saint Bartholomew

Altobello Melone - Christ carrying the Cross

Altobello Melone - The Road to Emmaus

Alvise Vivarini - Portrait of a Man

Alvise Vivarini - The Virgin and Child

Ambrogio Bergognone - Christ carrying the Cross

Ambrogio Bergognone - The Agony in the Garden

Ambrogio Bergognone - The Virgin and Child with Saints

Ambrogio Bergognone - The Virgin and Child

Ambrogio Lorenzetti - A Group of Poor Clares

Ambrosius Benson - The Magdalen Reading

Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder - A Still Life of Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase

Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder - Flowers in a Glass Vase

An Artist Sketching in the Cloister of S. Gregorio, Venice - Lord Leighton Frederic

Andrea and Raffaello del Brescianino - The Madonna and Child with Saints

Andrea Busati - The Entombment

Andrea del Sarto - Portrait of a Young Man

Andrea del Sarto - The Madonna and Child, Saint Elizabeth and the Baptist

Andrea del Verrocchio - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels

Andrea del Verrocchio and assistant (Lorenzo di Credi) - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels

Andrea di Aloigi - The Virgin and Child

Andrea di Bonaiuto da Firenze - The Virgin and Child with Ten Saints

Andrea Mantegna - A Woman Drinking

Andrea Mantegna - Samson and Delilah

Andrea Mantegna - The Agony in the Garden

Andrea Mantegna - The Holy Family with Saint John

Andrea Mantegna - The Introduction of the Cult of Cybele at Rome

Andrea Mantegna - The Vestal Virgin Tuccia with a sieve

Andrea Mantegna - The Virgin and Child with Saints

Andrea Previtali - Christ Blessing

Andrea Previtali - Salvator Mundi

Andrea Previtali - Scenes from Tebaldeo's Eclogues - The Story of Damon (1)

Andrea Previtali - Scenes from Tebaldeo's Eclogues - The Story of Damon

Andrea Previtali - Scenes from Tebaldeo's Eclogues

Andrea Previtali - The Virgin and Child adored by Two Angels

Andrea Previtali - The Virgin and Child with a Shoot of Olive

Andrea Previtali - The Virgin and Child with a Supplicant

Andrea Previtali - The Virgin and Child with Saints

Andrea Sacchi - Saints Anthony Abbot and Francis of Assisi

Andrea Schiavone - Arcas Hunting

Andrea Schiavone - Jupiter seducing Callisto

Andrea Solario - A Man with a Pink

Andrea Solario - Giovanni Cristoforo Longoni

Andries Vermeulen - A Scene on the Ice

André Bouys - La Barre and Other Musicians

Angelo Caroselli - The Plague at Ashdod (after Poussin)

Annibale Carracci - Christ appearing to Saint Anthony Abbot

Annibale Carracci - Christ appearing to Saint Peter on the Appian Way

Annibale Carracci - Marsyas and Olympus

Annibale Carracci - Putto gathering Grapes

Annibale Carracci - Silenus gathering Grapes

Annibale Carracci - The Dead Christ Mourned (The Three Maries)

Annibale Carracci - The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist

Anthonie van Borssum - A Garden Scene with Waterfowl

Anthonis Mor van Dashorst - Portrait of a Man

Anthony van Dyck - Charity

Anthony van Dyck - Drunken Silenus supported by Satyrs

Anthony van Dyck - Equestrian Portrait of Charles I

Anthony van Dyck - Lady Elizabeth Thimbelby and her Sister

Anthony van Dyck - Lord John Stuart and his Brother, Lord Bernard Stuart

Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of a Woman and Child

Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of a Woman

Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of Cornelis van der Geest

Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of Fran?ois Langlois

Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of George Gage with Two Attendants

Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of Giovanni Battista Cattaneo

Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of the Abbé Scaglia

Anthony van Dyck - Rinaldo conquered by Love for Armida

Anthony van Dyck - St Ambrose barring Theodosius from Milan Cathedral

Anthony van Dyck - The Abbé Scaglia adoring the Virgin and Child

Anthony van Dyck - The Balbi Children

Anthony van Dyck - William Feilding, 1st Earl of Denbigh

Antoine Chintreuil - House on the cliffs near Fécamp

Antoine-Louis Barye - The Forest of Fontainebleau

Antonello da Messina - Christ Blessing

Antonello da Messina - Christ Crucified

Antonello da Messina - Portrait of a Man

Antonello da Messina - Saint Jerome in his Study

Antonello da Messina - The Virgin and Child

Antonio Carracci - The Martyrdom of Saint Stephen

Antonio Cicognara - Mystic Figure of Christ

Antonio da Vendri - The Giusti Family of Verona

Antonio De Bellis - The Finding of Moses

Antonio de Solario - Saint Catherine of Alexandria (1)

Antonio de Solario - Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Antonio de Solario - Saint Ursula (1)

Antonio de Solario - Saint Ursula

Antonio de Solario - The Virgin and Child with Saint John

Antonio del Pollaiuolo - Apollo and Daphne

Antonio del Pollaiuolo and Piero del Pollaiuolo - The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

Antonio Mancini - Aurelia

Antonio Mancini - On a Journey

Antonio Mancini - The Customs

Antonio Mancini - The Marquis del Grillo

Antonio Vivarini and Giovanni d'Alemagna - Saints Francis and Mark

Antonio Vivarini and Giovanni d'Alemagna - Saints Peter and Jerome

Arent Arentsz. - Fishermen near Muiden Castle

Arent Diepraem - A Peasant seated smoking

Ary Scheffer - Mrs Robert Hollond

Ary Scheffer - Saints Augustine and Monica

Associate of Leonardo da Vinci - An Angel in Green with a Vielle

Associate of Leonardo da Vinci - An Angel in Red with a Lute

Associate of Pietro Perugino - The Virgin and Child with Saint John

Augsburg, Unknown artist - Portrait of a Man

Austrian - The Trinity with Christ Crucified

Bacchiacca - Joseph pardons his Brothers

Bacchiacca - Joseph receives his Brothers

Bacchiacca - Marcus Curtius

Balthasar van der Ast - Flowers in a Vase with Shells and Insects

Barent Fabritius - The Adoration of the Shepherds

Barent Fabritius - The Naming of Saint John the Baptist

Barnaba da Modena - Pentecost

Barnaba da Modena - Scenes of the Virgin; The Trinity; The Crucifixion

Bartholomaeus Spranger - The Adoration of the Kings

Bartholomeus Breenbergh - The Finding of the Infant Moses by Pharaoh's Daughter

Bartholomeus Bruyn the Elder - A Man, probably of the Strauss Family

Bartholomeus Bruyn the Elder - The Virgin, Saints and a Holy Woman

Bartholomeus van Bassen - Interior of a Church

Bartholomeus van Bassen - Interior of St Cunerakerk, Rhenen

Bartholomeus van der Helst - Portrait of a Girl

Bartholomeus van der Helst - Portrait of a Lady in Black Satin with a Fan

Bartholomeus van der Helst - Portrait of a Man in Black holding a Glove

Bartolomeo Caporali - Saint Bartholomew

Bartolomeo Caporali - Saint John the Baptist

Bartolomeo Caporali - The Virgin and Child with Saints, Angels and a Donor

Bartolomeo Montagna - Saint Zeno, Saint John the Baptist and a Female Martyr

Bartolomeo Montagna - The Virgin and Child (1)

Bartolomeo Montagna - The Virgin and Child

Bartolomeo Veneto - Lodovico Martinengo

Bartolomeo Veneto - Portrait of a Young Lady

Bartolomeo Vivarini - The Virgin and Child with Saints Paul and Jerome

Bartolomé Bermejo - Saint Michael Triumphs over the Devil

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - A Peasant Boy leaning on a Sill

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - Christ healing the Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - Portrait of Don Justino de Neve

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - Self Portrait

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - The Heavenly and Earthly Trinities

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - The Infant Saint John with the Lamb

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo and studio - The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin

Benedetto Bonfigli - The Adoration of the Kings, and Christ on the Cross

Benedetto Diana - Salvator Mundi

Benozzo Gozzoli - The Virgin and Child Enthroned among Angels and Saints

Benozzo Gozzoli - The Virgin and Child with Angels

Benvenuto di Giovanni - Altarpiece - The Virgin and Child with Saints

Benvenuto di Giovanni - Saint Nicholas

Benvenuto di Giovanni - Saint Peter

Benvenuto di Giovanni - The Virgin and Child (1)

Benvenuto di Giovanni - The Virgin and Child

Bernardino Bergognone - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels

Bernardino Butinone - The Adoration of the Shepherds

Bernardino Campi - Portrait of a Musician

Bernardino da Asola - The Adoration of the Shepherds

Bernardino da Asola - The Death of Saint Peter Martyr

Bernardino da Asola - The Garden of Love

Bernardino da Asola - The Madonna and Child

Bernardino Fungai - The Virgin and Child with Cherubim

Bernardino Lanino - The Madonna and Child with Saints

Bernardino Licinio - Portrait of Stefano Nani

Bernardino Licinio - The Madonna and Child with Saints

Bernardino Loschi - Portrait of Alberto Pio

Bernardino Luini - Christ among the Doctors

Bernardino Luini - The Virgin and Child with Saint John

Bernardino Zaganelli - Saint Sebastian

Bernardo Bellotto - Venice - The Grand Canal facing Santa Croce

Bernardo Cavallino - Christ driving the Traders from the Temple

Bernardo Daddi - The Coronation of the Virgin

Bernardo Strozzi - A Personification of Fame

Bernardo Strozzi - The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

Berthe Morisot - Girl on a Divan

Berthe Morisot - Summer's Day

Boccaccio Boccaccino - Christ carrying the Cross and the Virgin Mary Swooning

Bonifazio di Pitati - The Madonna and Child with Saints

Bono da Ferrara - Saint Jerome in a Landscape

Bramantino - The Adoration of the Kings

British (possibly Sir William Boxall) - Portrait of a Man aged about 45

British (possibly Sir William Boxall) - Portrait of a Woman aged about 45

Bronzino - An Allegory with Venus and Cupid

Bronzino - Portrait of a Young Man

Bronzino - Portrait of Piero de' Medici (The Gouty)

Bronzino - The Madonna and Child with Saints

Callisto Piazza - Portrait of a Man

Camille Pissarro - Fox Hill, Upper Norwood

Camille Pissarro - The Avenue, Sydenham

Camille Pissarro - The Boulevard Montmartre at Night

Camille Pissarro - The C?te des B?ufs at L'Hermitage

Camille Pissarro - The Louvre under Snow

Camille Pissarro - View from Louveciennes

Canaletto - A Regatta on the Grand Canal

Canaletto - Eton College

Canaletto - London - Interior of the Rotunda at Ranelagh

Canaletto - The Stonemason's Yard

Canaletto - Venice - A Regatta on the Grand Canal

Canaletto - Venice - Palazzo Grimani

Canaletto - Venice - Piazza San Marco

Canaletto - Venice - The Basin of San Marco on Ascension Day

Canaletto - Venice - The Doge's Palace and the Riva degli Schiavoni

Canaletto - Venice - The Feast Day of Saint Roch

Canaletto - Venice - The Grand Canal with S. Simeone Piccolo

Canaletto - Venice - The Piazza San Marco

Carel Fabritius - A View of Delft

Carel Fabritius - Young Man in a Fur Cap

Carlo Crivelli - Altarpiece from S. Francesco dei Zoccolanti, Matelica

Carlo Crivelli - La Madonna della Rondine (The Madonna of the Swallow)

Carlo Crivelli - Predella of La Madonna della Rondine

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Andrew

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Catherine of Alexandria (1)

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Dominic

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Francis

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Jerome

Carlo Crivelli - Saint John the Baptist

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Lucy

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Mary Magdalene

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Michael

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Peter Martyr

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Peter

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Stephen

Carlo Crivelli - Saint Thomas Aquinas

Carlo Crivelli - Saints Peter and Paul

Carlo Crivelli - The Annunciation, with Saint Emidius

Carlo Crivelli - The Dead Christ supported by Two Angels

Carlo Crivelli - The Demidoff Altarpiece

Carlo Crivelli - The Immaculate Conception

Carlo Crivelli - The Virgin and Child with Saints Francis and Sebastian

Carlo Crivelli - The Virgin and Child

Carlo Crivelli - The Vision of the Blessed Gabriele

Carlo Dolci - The Adoration of the Kings

Carlo Saraceni - Moses defending the Daughters of Jethro

Caspar David Friedrich - Winter Landscape

Caspar Netscher - A Lady at a Spinning-wheel

Caspar Netscher - A Lady teaching a Child to Read

Caspar Netscher - Portrait of a Lady and a Girl

Caspar Netscher - Portrait of a Lady

Caspar Netscher - Two Boys blowing Bubbles

Catharina van Hemessen - A Lady with a Rosary

Catharina van Hemessen - Portrait of a Lady

Catharina van Hemessen - Portrait of a Man

Cesar van Everdingen - Portrait of a Dutch Commander

Cesare da Sesto - Salome

Charles Angrand - The Western Railway at its Exit from Paris

Charles-Fran?ois Daubigny - Alders

Charles-Fran?ois Daubigny - Honoré Daumier

Charles-Fran?ois Daubigny - Landscape with Cattle by a Stream

Charles-Fran?ois Daubigny - River Scene with Ducks

Charles-Fran?ois Daubigny - St Paul's from the Surrey Side

Charles-Fran?ois Daubigny - The Garden Wall

Charles-Fran?ois Daubigny - View on the Oise

Charles-Fran?ois Daubigny - Willows

Charles-Philogène Tschaggeny - An Episode on the Field of Battle

Christen K?bke - Portrait of Wilhelm Bendz

Christen K?bke - The Northern Drawbridge to the Citadel in Copenhagen

Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich - The Wandering Musicians

Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg - View of the Forum in Rome

Cimabue - The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels

Circle of Annibale Carracci - Erminia takes Refuge with the Shepherds

Circle of Annibale Carracci - Saint John the Baptist seated in the Wilderness

Circle of Jan Gossaert - The Adoration of the Kings

Circle of Master of Liesborn - Saints Gregory, Maurice and Augustine

Circle of Pieter Coecke van Aalst - Donatrix - Right Hand Shutter

Circle of Pieter Coecke van Aalst - Donor - Left Hand Shutter

Circle of Pieter Coecke van Aalst - The Archangel Gabriel - Reverse of Left Hand Shutter

Circle of Pieter Coecke van Aalst - The Crucifixion - Central Panel

Circle of Pieter Coecke van Aalst - The Virgin Annunciate - Reverse of Right Hand Shutter

Circle of the Master of Liesborn - Saint Dorothy

Circle of the Master of Liesborn - Saint Margaret

Circle of the Master of Liesborn - Saints Ambrose, Exuperius and Jerome

Circle of the Master of Liesborn - The Virgin and Child with a Donor

Circle of the Master of the Saint Ursula Legend (Cologne) - Saint Lawrence before the Prefect

Clarisse Master - The Virgin and Child

Claude - A Seaport

Claude - A View in Rome

Claude - Landscape with a Goatherd and Goats

Claude - Landscape with Aeneas at Delos

Claude - Landscape with Cephalus and Procris reunited by Diana

Claude - Landscape with David at the Cave of Adullam

Claude - Landscape with Hagar and the Angel

Claude - Landscape with Narcissus and Echo

Claude - Landscape with the Marriage of Isaac and Rebecca

Claude - Seaport with the Embarkation of Saint Ursula

Claude - Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba

Claude - The Enchanted Castle

Claude-Joseph Vernet - A Landscape at Sunset

Claude-Joseph Vernet - A River with Fishermen

Claude-Joseph Vernet - A Sea-Shore

Claude-Joseph Vernet - A Seaport

Claude-Joseph Vernet - A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas

Claude-Joseph Vernet - A Sporting Contest on the Tiber at Rome

Claude-Marie Dubufe - The Surprise

Claude-Oscar Monet - Bathers at La Grenouillère

Claude-Oscar Monet - Flood Waters

Claude-Oscar Monet - Irises

Claude-Oscar Monet - La Pointe de la Hève, Sainte-Adresse

Claude-Oscar Monet - Lavacourt under Snow

Claude-Oscar Monet - Poplars on the Epte

Claude-Oscar Monet - Snow Scene at Argenteuil

Claude-Oscar Monet - The Beach at Trouville

Claude-Oscar Monet - The Gare St-Lazare

Claude-Oscar Monet - The Museum at Le Havre

Claude-Oscar Monet - The Petit Bras of the Seine at Argenteuil

Claude-Oscar Monet - The Thames below Westminster

Claude-Oscar Monet - The Water-Lily Pond

Claude-Oscar Monet - Water-Lilies, Setting Sun

Claude-Oscar Monet - Water-Lilies

Cologne, Unknown artist - Portrait of a Woman

Corneille de Lyon - Bust Portrait of a Man

Corneille de Lyon - Portrait of a Man (1)

Corneille de Lyon - Portrait of a Man

Corneille de Lyon - Portrait of a Woman

Cornelis Bega - An Astrologer

Cornelis Decker - A Cottage among Trees on the Bank of a Stream

Cornelis van der Schalcke - An Extensive River Landscape

Cornelis van Haarlem - The Preaching of Saint John the Baptist

Cornelis van Haarlem - Two Followers of Cadmus devoured by a Dragon

Cornelis van Poelenburgh - Women bathing in a Landscape

Cornelis Vroom - A Landscape with a River by a Wood

Cornelius Johnson - Portrait of a Lady

Corrado Giaquinto - Apotheosis of the Spanish Monarchy

Corrado Giaquinto - Moses striking the Rock

Corrado Giaquinto - The Brazen Serpent

Correggio - Christ presented to the People (Ecce Homo)

Correggio - Christ taking Leave of his Mother

Correggio - Head of an Angel (1)

Correggio - Head of an Angel

Correggio - Heads of Two Angels

Correggio - The Madonna of the Basket

Correggio - The Magdalen

Correggio - Venus with Mercury and Cupid (The School of Love)

Cosimo Tura - A Muse (Calliope)

Cosimo Tura - Saint Jerome

Cosimo Tura - The Virgin and Child Enthroned

Cosimo Tura - The Virgin Annunciate

Crescenzio Onofri - Landscape with Figures

Crescenzio Onofri - Landscape with Fishermen

Dalmatian - Christ and Eight Apostles - Predella

Dalmatian - Dalmatian Altarpiece

Dalmatian - Helsinus Preaching; The Canon restored to Life

Dalmatian - Helsinus saved from a Shipwreck; A French Canon drowned

Dalmatian - Saint Joachim and the Angel; The Birth of the Virgin

Dalmatian - Saint Joachim's Offering; Meeting at the Golden Gate

Dalmatian - The Virgin and Child

Dalmatian - Two Apostles - Fragment of Predella (1)

Dalmatian - Two Apostles - Fragment of Predella

Damiano Mazza - The Rape of Ganymede

David de Coninck - Dead Birds and Game with Gun Dogs and a Little Owl

David Ghirlandaio - The Virgin and Child with Saint John

David Teniers the Younger - A Cottage by a River with a Distant View of a Castle

David Teniers the Younger - A Gipsy Fortune Teller in a Hilly Landscape

David Teniers the Younger - A Man holding a Glass and an Old Woman lighting a Pipe

David Teniers the Younger - A View of a Village

David Teniers the Younger - A View of Het Sterckshof near Antwerp

David Teniers the Younger - An Old Peasant caresses a Kitchen Maid in a Stable

David Teniers the Younger - Autumn

David Teniers the Younger - Backgammon Players

David Teniers the Younger - Peasants at Archery

David Teniers the Younger - Peasants making Music in an Inn

David Teniers the Younger - Peasants playing Bowls outside a Village Inn

David Teniers the Younger - Spring

David Teniers the Younger - Summer

David Teniers the Younger - The Covetous Man

David Teniers the Younger - The Rich Man being led to Hell

David Teniers the Younger - Two Men playing Cards in the Kitchen of an Inn

David Teniers the Younger - Winter

Delft - An Interior, with a Woman refusing a Glass of Wine

Diego Velázquez - Christ contemplated by the Christian Soul

Diego Velázquez - Christ in the House of Martha and Mary

Diego Velázquez - Philip IV hunting Wild Boar (La Tela Real)

Diego Velázquez - Philip IV of Spain in Brown and Silver

Diego Velázquez - Philip IV of Spain

Diego Velázquez - Portrait of Archbishop Fernando de Valdés

Diego Velázquez - Saint John the Evangelist on the Island of Patmos

Diego Velázquez - The Immaculate Conception

Diego Velázquez - The Toilet of Venus (The Rokeby Venus)

Dirck Hals - A Party at Table

Dirck Santvoort - Portrait of Geertruyt Spiegel with a Finch

Dirck van Delen - An Architectural Fantasy

Dirck van den Bergen - Two Calves, a Sheep and a Dun Horse by a Ruin

Dirk Bouts - Christ Crowned with Thorns

Dirk Bouts - Portrait of a Man (Jan van Winckele)

Dirk Bouts - The Entombment

Dirk Bouts - The Virgin and Child

Domenichino - Landscape with Tobias laying hold of the Fish

Domenichino - Saint George killing the Dragon

Domenichino - Saint John the Evangelist

Domenichino - The Vision of Saint Jerome

Domenichino and assistants - Apollo and Neptune advising Laomedon

Domenichino and assistants - Apollo killing the Cyclops

Domenichino and assistants - Apollo pursuing Daphne

Domenichino and assistants - Apollo slaying Coronis

Domenichino and assistants - Mercury stealing the Herds of Admetus

Domenichino and assistants - The Flaying of Marsyas

Domenichino and assistants - The Judgement of Midas

Domenichino and assistants - The Transformation of Cyparissus

Domenico Beccafumi - Marcia

Domenico Beccafumi - Tanaquil

Domenico Beccafumi - The Story of Papirius

Domenico Ghirlandaio - A Legend of Saints Justus and Clement of Volterra

Domenico Ghirlandaio - Portrait of a Young Man in Red

Domenico Ghirlandaio - The Virgin and Child

Domenico Morone - The Rape of the Sabines (after the signal)

Domenico Morone - The Rape of the Sabines (before the signal)

Domenico Tintoretto - Portrait of a Gentleman

Domenico Veneziano - Head of a Tonsured, Bearded Saint

Domenico Veneziano - Head of a Tonsured, Beardless Saint

Domenico Veneziano - The Virgin and Child Enthroned

Dosso Dossi - A Bacchanal

Dosso Dossi - A Man embracing a Woman

Dosso Dossi - Lamentation over the Body of Christ

Dosso Dossi - The Adoration of the Kings

Dressmakers - Edouard Vuillard

Duccio - Jesus opens the Eyes of a Man born Blind

Duccio - The Annunciation

Duccio - The Transfiguration

Duccio - The Virgin and Child with Saints Dominic and Aurea

Dutch - A Company of Amsterdam Militiamen

Dutch - A White House among Trees

Dutch - Portrait of a Lady with a Fan

Dutch - Portrait of a Man and a Woman

Dutch - Portrait of a Man

Dutch - Portrait of a Seated Woman and a Girl in a Landscape

Dutch - Portrait of a Young Man in Black

Dutch - Sportsmen Resting

Edouard Manet - Corner of a Café-Concert

Edouard Manet - Eva Gonzalès

Edouard Manet - Music in the Tuileries Gardens

Edouard Manet - The Execution of Maximilian

Edouard Vuillard - Madame André Wormser and her Children

Edouard Vuillard - The Earthenware Pot

Edouard Vuillard - The Mantelpiece (La Cheminée)

Edouard Vuillard - The Terrace at Vasouy, the Garden

Edouard Vuillard - The Terrace at Vasouy, the Lunch

Eduard Gaertner - The Friedrichsgracht, Berlin

Egbert van der Poel - A View of Delft after the Explosion of 1654

Eglon Hendrik van der Neer - Judith

El Greco - Christ driving the Traders from the Temple

El Greco - Saint Jerome as Cardinal

El Greco - The Adoration of the Name of Jesus

Elizabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun - Mademoiselle Brongniart

Elizabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun - Self Portrait in a Straw Hat

Emanuel de Witte - Adriana van Heusden and Daughter at the Fishmarket

Emanuel de Witte - The Interior of the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam (1)

Emanuel de Witte - The Interior of the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam

Emile-Jean-Horace Vernet - The Battle of Hanau

Emile-Jean-Horace Vernet - The Battle of Jemappes

Emile-Jean-Horace Vernet - The Battle of Montmirail

Emile-Jean-Horace Vernet - The Battle of Valmy

Emile-Jean-Horace Vernet - The Emperor Napoleon I

English or French - The Wilton Diptych (1)

English or French - The Wilton Diptych

Ercole de' Roberti - The Adoration of the Shepherds

Ercole de' Roberti - The Dead Christ

Ercole de' Roberti - The Institution of the Eucharist

Ercole de' Roberti - The Israelites gathering Manna

Esaias van de Velde - A Winter Landscape

Eugène Boudin - Beach at Trouville

Eugène Boudin - Beach Scene, Trouville (1)

Eugène Boudin - Beach Scene, Trouville

Eugène Boudin - Brussels Harbour

Eugène Boudin - Deauville Harbour

Eugène Boudin - L'H?pital-Camfrout, Brittany

Eugène Boudin - Laundresses by a Stream

Eugène Boudin - The Beach at Tourgéville-les-Sablons

Eugène Boudin - The Entrance to Trouville Harbour

Eugène Delacroix - Abel Widmer

Eugène Delacroix - Christ on the Cross

Eugène Delacroix - Louis-Auguste Schwiter

Eugène Delacroix - Ovid among the Scythians

Eugène Fromentin - The Banks of the Nile

Eustache Le Sueur - Alexander and his Doctor

Eustache Le Sueur - Christ on the Cross with the Virgin and Saints

Eustache Le Sueur - Saint Paul preaching at Ephesus

Federico Barocci - The Madonna of the Cat (La Madonna del Gatto)

Ferdinand Bol - A Lady with a Fan

Ferdinand Bol - An Astronomer

Filippino Lippi - An Angel Adoring

Filippino Lippi - The Adoration of the Kings

Filippino Lippi - The Virgin and Child with Saint John

Filippino Lippi - The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Dominic

Filippo Mazzola - The Virgin and Child with Saints

Fiorenzo di Lorenzo and Italian, Umbrian - The Virgin and Child

Flemish - Cognoscenti in a Room hung with Pictures

Flemish - Portrait of a Boy holding a Rose

Flemish - Portrait of a Man (1)

Flemish - Portrait of a Man

Flemish - Portrait of an Elderly Woman

Follower of Bronzino - Portrait of a Lady

Follower of Canaletto - Venice - S. Simeone Piccolo

Follower of Canaletto - Venice - The Grand Canal facing Santa Croce

Follower of David Teniers the Younger - An Old Woman peeling Pears

Follower of Duccio - The Virgin and Child with Four Angels

Follower of Filippino Lippi - Moses brings forth Water out of the Rock

Follower of Filippino Lippi - The Worship of the Egyptian Bull God, Apis

Follower of Giorgione - Homage to a Poet

Follower of Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio - The Virgin and Child

Follower of Giulio Romano - The Attack on Cartagena

Follower of Giulio Romano - The Continence of Scipio

Follower of Giulio Romano - The Intervention of the Sabine Women

Follower of Giulio Romano - The Rape of the Sabines

Follower of Hieronymus Janssens - Ladies and Gentlemen playing La Main Chaude

Follower of Hugo van der Goes - Virgin and Child

Follower of Isack van Ostade - An Inn by a Frozen River

Follower of Jacob van Ruisdael - The Skirts of a Forest

Follower of Jacopo Bassano - The Adoration of the Shepherds

Follower of Jacopo Tintoretto - The Nativity

Follower of Jan Gossaert - The Magdalen

Follower of Jan van Eyck - A Young Man holding a Ring

Follower of Jan van Eyck - Marco Barbarigo

Follower of Jan van Scorel - A Man with a Pansy and a Skull

Follower of Jean-Baptiste Greuze - A Girl

Follower of Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot - A Peasant Woman

Follower of Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot - Seascape with Figures on Cliffs

Follower of Jean-Fran?ois Millet - Landscape with Buildings

Follower of Leonardo da Vinci - Narcissus

Follower of Leonardo da Vinci - The Virgin and Child

Follower of Lieven van Lathem - The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor

Follower of Pietro Perugino - The Virgin and Child with Saints

Follower of Pontormo - The Madonna and Child with the Infant Baptist

Follower of Quinten Massys - A Donor

Follower of Quinten Massys - A Female Figure standing in a Niche

Follower of Quinten Massys - Saint Luke painting the Virgin and Child

Follower of Rembrandt - A Man seated reading at a Table in a Lofty Room

Follower of Rembrandt - A Seated Man with a Stick

Follower of Rembrandt - A Young Man and a Girl playing Cards

Follower of Rembrandt - An Old Man in an Armchair

Follower of Rembrandt - Diana bathing surprised by a Satyr

Follower of Robert Campin - The Virgin and Child before a Firescreen

Follower of Rogier van der Weyden - Christ appearing to the Virgin

Follower of Sandro Botticelli - A Lady in Profile (1)

Follower of Sandro Botticelli - A Lady in Profile

Follower of Sandro Botticelli - The Virgin and Child

Follower of Simon Marmion - Saint Clement and a Donor

Follower of Sodoma - The Nativity with the Infant Baptist and Shepherds

Follower of the Master of the Saint Ursula Legend (Bruges) - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels

Follower of Titian - Mythological Scene

Follower of Titian - Portrait of a Woman (perhaps Pellegrina Morosini Capello)

Followers of Gerard David - Saint Paul and a Donatrix

Followers of Gerard David - Saint Peter and a Donor

Fra Angelico - Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven

Fra Angelico - Saint Romulus

Fra Angelico - The Dominican Blessed (1)

Fra Angelico - The Dominican Blessed

Fra Angelico - The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs

Fra Angelico - The Virgin Mary with the Apostles and Other Saints

Fra Bartolommeo - The Madonna and Child with Saint John

Fra Bartolommeo - The Virgin adoring the Child with Saint Joseph

Fra Filippo Lippi - Saint Bernard's Vision of the Virgin

Fra Filippo Lippi - Seven Saints

Fra Filippo Lippi - The Annunciation

Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - Beheading of Saint James the Great - Predella Panel

Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - Saint Jerome and the Lion - Predella Panel

Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - Saint Mamas in Prison thrown to the Lions

Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - Saint Zeno exorcising the Daughter of Gallienus

Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - The Virgin and Child

Francesco Bissolo - The Virgin and Child and Saints

Francesco Bissolo - The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donors

Francesco Bonsignori - Portrait of an Elderly Man

Francesco Bonsignori - The Virgin and Child with Four Saints

Francesco Botticini - S. Gerolamo Altarpiece

Francesco Botticini - Saint Jerome in Penitence with Saints and Donors

Francesco Botticini - Scenes from the Life of Saint Jerome - Predella

Francesco Botticini - The Assumption of the Virgin

Francesco Botticini - The Crucifixion

Francesco d'Antonio di Bartolomeo - The Virgin and Child with Six Angels and Two Cherubim

Francesco del Cossa - Saint Vincent Ferrer

Francesco di Giorgio - Saint Dorothy and the Infant Christ

Francesco Francia - Bartolomeo Bianchini

Francesco Francia - Mourning over the Dead Christ

Francesco Francia - Pietà

Francesco Francia - The Saint Anne Altarpiece from San Frediano, Lucca

Francesco Francia - The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and Other Saints

Francesco Francia - The Virgin and Child with Two Saints

Francesco Granacci - Portrait of a Man in Armour

Francesco Guardi - A Caprice with a Ruined Arch

Francesco Guardi - A Caprice with Ruins on the Seashore

Francesco Guardi - A Gondola on the Lagoon near Mestre

Francesco Guardi - A View near Venice

Francesco Guardi - An Architectural Caprice (1)

Francesco Guardi - An Architectural Caprice

Francesco Guardi - Caprice View with Ruins (1)

Francesco Guardi - Caprice View with Ruins

Francesco Guardi - Venice - Piazza San Marco (1)

Francesco Guardi - Venice - Piazza San Marco

Francesco Guardi - Venice - The Arsenal

Francesco Guardi - Venice - The Doge's Palace and the Molo

Francesco Guardi - Venice - The Giudecca with the Zitelle

Francesco Guardi - Venice - The Grand Canal with Palazzo Pesaro

Francesco Guardi - Venice - The Punta della Dogana (1)

Francesco Guardi - Venice - The Punta della Dogana

Francesco Guardi - View of the Venetian Lagoon with the Tower of Malghera

Francesco Morone - The Virgin and Child

Francesco Pesellino - The Story of David and Goliath

Francesco Pesellino - The Triumph of David

Francesco Pesellino and completed by Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - Angel (Left Hand)

Francesco Pesellino and completed by Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - Angel (Right Hand)

Francesco Pesellino and completed by Fra Filippo Lippi and Workshop - Saints Zeno and Jerome

Francesco Pesellino and completed by Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - The Trinity

Francesco Pesellino and Fra Filippo Lippi and Workshop - Saints Mamas and James

Francesco Pesellino and Fra Filippo Lippi and workshop - The Pistoia Santa Trinità Altarpiece

Francesco Simonini - A Campaign Scene

Francesco Solimena - An Allegory of Louis XIV

Francesco Solimena - Dido receiving Aeneas and Cupid disguised as Ascanius

Francesco Tacconi - The Virgin and Child

Francesco Zaganelli - The Baptism of Christ

Francesco Zaganelli - The Dead Christ with Angels

Francesco Zuccarelli - Landscape with Cattle and Figures

Francesco Zugno - The Finding of Moses

Franchoys Wouters - Nymphs surprised by Satyrs

Franciabigio - Portrait of a Knight of Rhodes

Francisco Bayeu y Subias - Saint James being visited by the Virgin

Francisco de Goya - A Picnic

Francisco de Goya - A Scene from 'The Forcibly Bewitched'

Francisco de Goya - Don Andrés del Peral

Francisco de Goya - Do?a Isabel de Porcel

Francisco de Goya - The Duke of Wellington

Francisco de Zurbarán - A Cup of Water and a Rose

Francisco de Zurbarán - Saint Francis in Meditation (1)

Francisco de Zurbarán - Saint Francis in Meditation

Francisco de Zurbarán - Saint Margaret of Antioch

Francisco Ribalta - The Vision of Father Simón

Francisque Millet - Mountain Landscape with Lightning

Frans Hals - A Family Group in a Landscape

Frans Hals - Portrait of a Man holding Gloves

Frans Hals - Portrait of a Man in his Thirties

Frans Hals - Portrait of a Middle-Aged Woman with Hands Folded

Frans Hals - Portrait of a Woman (Marie Larp)

Frans Hals - Portrait of a Woman with a Fan

Frans Hals - Portrait of Jean de la Chambre at the Age of 33

Frans Hals - Young Man holding a Skull (Vanitas)

Frans van Mieris the Elder - A Woman in a Red Jacket feeding a Parrot

Frans van Mieris the Elder - Portrait of the Artist's Wife, Cunera van der Cock

Frans van Mieris the Elder - Self Portrait of the Artist, with a Cittern

Fran?ois Bonvin - Still Life with Book, Papers and Inkwell

Fran?ois Bonvin - The Meadow

Fran?ois Boucher - Landscape with a Watermill

Fran?ois Boucher - Pan and Syrinx

Fran?ois de Nomé - Fantastic Ruins with Saint Augustine and the Child

Fran?ois-Hubert Drouais - Le Comte de Vaudreuil

Fran?ois-Hubert Drouais - Madame de Pompadour at her Tambour Frame

Fran?ois-Xavier Fabre - Italian Landscape

Frederic, Lord Leighton - The Villa Malta, Rome

Frederick de Moucheron - A Landscape with Classical Ruins

Frederick de Moucheron - Figures in an Italian Garden

French - A Black Woman

French - A Struggle in a Desert

French - An Académie (1)

French - An Académie

French - An Allegory

French - Fame

French - Portrait of a Boy (1)

French - Portrait of a Boy

French - Portrait of a Lady (1)

French - Portrait of a Lady (Madame de Gléon)

French - Portrait of a Lady

French - Portrait of a Man (1)

French - Portrait of a Man (Paul, Sire d'Andouins)

French - Portrait of a Man (Victor Considérant)

French - Portrait of a Man

French - Portrait of a Young Lady

French - Prince Charles Edward Stuart (The Young Pretender)

French - The Virgin

French or Flemish - Perseus turning the Followers of Phineus into Stone

French or North Italian - The Visitation

French, Fontainebleau School - Cleopatra

G. Donck - Portrait of Jan van Hensbeeck, his Wife and a Child

Gabriel Metsu - A Man and a Woman seated by a Virginal

Gabriel Metsu - A Woman seated at a Table and a Man tuning a Violin

Gabriel Metsu - A Young Woman seated drawing

Gabriel Metsu - An Old Woman with a Book

Gabriel Metsu - The Interior of a Smithy

Gabriel Metsu - Two Men with a Sleeping Woman

Gabriel Revel - Portrait of an Astronomer

Gabriel-Jacques de Saint-Aubin - A Street Show in Paris

Garofalo - A Pagan Sacrifice

Garofalo - An Allegory of Love

Garofalo - Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Garofalo - The Agony in the Garden

Garofalo - The Holy Family with Saints

Garofalo - The Madonna and Child enthroned with Saints

Garofalo - The Virgin and Child with Saints

Garofalo - The Vision of Saint Augustine

Gaspard Dughet - Imaginary Landscape with Buildings in Tivoli

Gaspard Dughet - Landscape with a Cowherd

Gaspard Dughet - Landscape with a Shepherd and his Flock

Gaspard Dughet - Landscape with a Storm

Gaspard Dughet - Landscape with Abraham and Isaac

Gaspard Dughet - Landscape with Elijah and the Angel

Gaspard Dughet - Tivoli

Gaspard Dughet and Carlo Maratta - Landscape with the Union of Dido and Aeneas

Gaudenzio Ferrari - Christ rising from the Tomb

Gaudenzio Ferrari - Panels from an Altarpiece - The Annunciation

Gaudenzio Ferrari - Saint Andrew

Gaudenzio Ferrari - The Annunciation - The Angel Gabriel

Gaudenzio Ferrari - The Annunciation - The Virgin Mary

Geertgen tot Sint Jans - The Nativity at Night

Gentile Bellini - A Man with a Pair of Dividers

Gentile Bellini - Cardinal Bessarion with the Bessarion Reliquary

Gentile Bellini - The Sultan Mehmet II

Gentile Bellini - The Virgin and Child Enthroned

George Inness - The Delaware Water Gap

George Stubbs - A Gentleman driving a Lady in a Phaeton

George Stubbs - The Milbanke and Melbourne Families

George Stubbs - Whistlejacket

Georges Michel - Landscape with Trees, Buildings and a Road

Georges Michel - Stormy Landscape with Ruins on a Plain

Georges Seurat - A River Bank (The Seine at Asnières)

Georges Seurat - Bathers at Asnières

Georges Seurat - Study for 'Bathers at Asnières'

Georges Seurat - Study for 'La Grande Jatte' (1)

Georges Seurat - Study for 'La Grande Jatte'

Georges Seurat - The Channel of Gravelines, Grand Fort-Philippe

Georges Seurat - The Morning Walk

Georges Seurat - The Rainbow - Study for 'Bathers at Asnières'

Georges Seurat - The Seine seen from La Grande Jatte

Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os - Fruit, Flowers and Game

Gerard David - Adoration of the Kings

Gerard David - An Augustinian Friar Praying

Gerard David - Canon Bernardijn Salviati and Three Saints

Gerard David - Christ Nailed to the Cross

Gerard David - Lamentation

Gerard David - The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor

Gerard ter Borch - A Woman playing a Theorbo to Two Men

Gerard ter Borch - An Officer dictating a Letter

Gerard ter Borch - Portrait of a Young Man

Gerard ter Borch - Portrait of Hermanna van der Cruis

Gerard ter Borch - The Ratification of the Treaty of Münster

Gerbrand van den Eeckhout - Group Portrait

Gerbrand van den Eeckhout - Rebekah and Eliezer at the Well

German - Edzard the Great, Count of East Friesland

German - Portrait of a Woman

German - Saint Christopher carrying the Infant Christ

German - The Virgin and Child with an Angel in a Landscape

German, North - Christ carrying the Cross

German, South - Portrait of a Man

German, South - Saint John on Patmos

Gerolamo da Vicenza - The Dormition and Assumption of the Virgin

Gerolamo dai Libri - The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne

Gerolamo Giovenone - The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donors

Gerolamo Mocetto - The Massacre of the Innocents with Herod

Gerolamo Mocetto - The Massacre of the Innocents

Gerrit Berckheyde - The Interior of the Grote Kerk, Haarlem

Gerrit Berckheyde - The Market Place and the Grote Kerk at Haarlem

Gerrit Berckheyde - The Market Place and Town Hall, Haarlem

Gerrit Dou - A Poulterer's Shop

Gerrit Dou - Portrait of a Man

Gerrit Dou - Portrait of a Young Woman

Gerrit Lundens (after Rembrandt) - The Company of Captain Banning Cocq (The Nightwatch)

Gerrit van Honthorst - Christ before the High Priest

Gerrit van Honthorst - Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia

Gerrit van Honthorst - Saint Sebastian

Gerrit Willemsz. Heda - Still Life with a Nautilus Cup

Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora - The Combat of Love and Chastity

Gherardo di Jacopo Starnina (Master of the Bambino Vispo) - The Beheading of Saint Margaret

Giacomo Ceruti - Portrait of a Priest

Giampietrino - Christ carrying his Cross

Giampietrino - Salome

Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Saints Andrew and Thomas

Giannicola di Paolo - The Annunciation

Giorgio Schiavone - A Female Saint

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint Anthony of Padua

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint Bernardino

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint Catherine

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint Jerome

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint John the Baptist

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint Peter Martyr

Giorgio Schiavone - Saint Sebastian

Giorgio Schiavone - The Pietà

Giorgio Schiavone - The Virgin and Child Enthroned

Giorgio Schiavone - The Virgin and Child

Giorgione - Il Tramonto (The Sunset)

Giorgione - The Adoration of the Kings

Giotto di Bondone - Pentecost

Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis - Profile Portrait of a Lady

Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio - A Man in Profile

Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio - The Virgin and Child

Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini - An Allegory of the Marriage of the Elector Palatine

Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini - Rebecca at the Well

Giovanni Antonio Pordenone - Saint Bonaventure

Giovanni Antonio Pordenone - Saint Louis of Toulouse

Giovanni Antonio Sogliani - The Madonna and Child

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - Christ Crowned with Thorns

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - David and Jonathan

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - Saint Jerome in a Landscape

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - Saint Mark

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - Saint Sebastian

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - The Virgin and Child (1)

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - The Virgin and Child with Saints

Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano - The Virgin and Child

Giovanni Battista da Faenza - The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

Giovanni Battista da Faenza - The Virgin and Child in Glory

Giovanni Battista Gaulli (Baciccio) - Portrait of Cardinal Marco Gallo

Giovanni Battista Moroni - A Knight with his Jousting Helmet

Giovanni Battista Moroni - Bust Portrait of a Young Man with an Inscription

Giovanni Battista Moroni - Canon Ludovico di Terzi

Giovanni Battista Moroni - Portrait of a Gentleman (Il Gentile Cavaliere)

Giovanni Battista Moroni - Portrait of a Gentleman

Giovanni Battista Moroni - Portrait of a Lady (La Dama in Rosso)

Giovanni Battista Moroni - Portrait of a Man holding a Letter (L'Avvocato)

Giovanni Battista Moroni - Portrait of a Man with Raised Eyebrows

Giovanni Battista Moroni - Portrait of Leonardo Salvagno

Giovanni Battista Moroni - The Tailor (Il Tagliapanni)

Giovanni Battista Moroni - The Vestal Virgin Tuccia

Giovanni Battista Naldini - Lamentation of the Dead Christ

Giovanni Battista Piazzetta - The Sacrifice of Isaac

Giovanni Battista Pittoni - The Nativity with God the Father and the Holy Ghost

Giovanni Battista Spinelli - The Adoration of the Shepherds

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - A Vision of the Trinity

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - An Allegory with Venus and Time

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Four Saints

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Rinaldo turning in Shame from the Magic Shield

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Saints Maximus and Oswald

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Seated Man, Woman with Jar, and Boy

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - The Banquet of Cleopatra

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - The Virgin and Child appearing to a Group of Saints

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Two Men in Oriental Costume

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Two Orientals seated under a Tree

Giovanni Battista Viola - Landscape with a Hunting Party

Giovanni Battista Viola - Landscape with a River and Boats

Giovanni Bellini - A Dominican, with the Attributes of Saint Peter Martyr

Giovanni Bellini - Doge Leonardo Loredan

Giovanni Bellini - Madonna of the Meadow

Giovanni Bellini - Saint Dominic

Giovanni Bellini - Saint Jerome reading in a Landscape

Giovanni Bellini - The Agony in the Garden

Giovanni Bellini - The Assassination of Saint Peter Martyr

Giovanni Bellini - The Blood of the Redeemer

Giovanni Bellini - The Dead Christ supported by Angels

Giovanni Bellini - The Virgin and Child

Giovanni Bilivert - Saint Zenobius revives a Dead Boy

Giovanni Buonconsiglio - Saint John the Baptist

Giovanni Cariani - Francesco Albani

Giovanni Cariani - The Holy Family with Saints and a Donor

Giovanni da Milano - Christ of the Apocalypse - Central Pinnacle Panel

Giovanni da Milano - Saint John the Baptist - Right Pinnacle Panel

Giovanni da Milano - The Virgin - Left Pinnacle Panel

Giovanni da Oriolo - Leonello d'Este

Giovanni dal Ponte - Ascension of John the Evangelist Altarpiece

Giovanni dal Ponte - Saint Gabriel - Left Pinnacle

Giovanni dal Ponte - Saint Michael - Roundel above Left Panel

Giovanni dal Ponte - Saints Bernard, Scholastica, Benedict and John

Giovanni dal Ponte - Saints Nicholas, Damian and Margaret - Right Pilaster

Giovanni dal Ponte - Saints Peter, Romuald, Catherine and Jerome

Giovanni dal Ponte - Saints Raphael and Tobias - Roundel above Right Panel

Giovanni dal Ponte - Scenes from the Life of Saint John the Baptist

Giovanni dal Ponte - The Ascension of Saint John the Evangelist

Giovanni dal Ponte - The Descent into Limbo - Roundel above Centre Panel

Giovanni dal Ponte - The Trinity - Centre Pinnacle

Giovanni dal Ponte - The Virgin Annunciate - Right Pinnacle

Giovanni dal Ponte - Unknown Saint, Saint Cosmas and Saint Francis

Giovanni di Nicola - Saint Anthony Abbot

Giovanni di Paolo - Saint John the Baptist retiring to the Desert

Giovanni di Paolo - Saints Fabian and Sebastian

Giovanni di Paolo - The Baptism of Christ - Predella Panel

Giovanni di Paolo - The Birth of Saint John the Baptist - Predella Panel

Giovanni di Paolo - The Head of John the Baptist brought to Herod

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - The Building of the Trojan Horse

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - The Lamentation at the Foot of the Cross (1)

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - The Lamentation at the Foot of the Cross

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - The Marriage of Frederick Barbarossa

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - The Procession of the Trojan Horse into Troy

Giovanni Francesco da Rimini - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels

Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo - Mary Magdalene

Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo - Saint Jerome

Giovanni Mansueti - Symbolic Representation of the Crucifixion

Giovanni Martini da Udine - The Virgin and Child with Saints

Giovanni Martino Spanzotti - Saint Peter Martyr and a Bishop Saint (Saint Evasio)

Giovanni Martino Spanzotti - Saints Nicholas of Tolentino and John the Baptist

Giovanni Paolo Panini - Roman Ruins with Figures

Giovanni Paolo Panini - Rome - The Interior of St Peter's

Giovanni Paolo Panini - The Lottery in Piazza di Montecitorio

Giovanni Santi - The Virgin and Child

Girolamo da Carpi - Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici and Monsignor Mario Bracci

Girolamo da Carpi - The Adoration of the Kings

Girolamo da Santacroce - A Saint with a Fortress and a Banner

Girolamo da Santacroce - A Youthful Saint Reading

Girolamo da Treviso - The Adoration of the Kings

Girolamo da Treviso - The Madonna and Child with Angels, Saints and a Donor

Girolamo Genga - A Jesse-Tree

Girolamo Macchietti - The Charity of St Nicholas of Bari

Girolamo Romanino - High Altarpiece, S. Alessandro, Brescia

Girolamo Romanino - Pegasus and the Muses

Girolamo Romanino - Saint Alexander

Girolamo Romanino - Saint Filippo Benizzi

Girolamo Romanino - Saint Gaudioso

Girolamo Romanino - Saint Jerome

Girolamo Romanino - The Nativity

Giulio Romano and Gianfrancesco Penni - Saint Mary Magdalene borne by Angels

Giuseppe Bazzani - Saint Anthony of Padua with the Infant Christ

Giuseppe De Nittis - Winter Landscape

Giuseppe Maria Crespi - Saint Jerome in the Desert

Giuseppe Salviati - Justice

Giuseppe Zais - Landscape with a Group of Figures Fishing

Giuseppe Zais - Landscape with a Group of Figures

Giuseppe Zais - Landscape with a Ruined Tower

Giusto de' Menabuoi - The Coronation of the Virgin, and Other Scenes (1)

Giusto de' Menabuoi - The Coronation of the Virgin, and Other Scenes

Godfried Schalcken - A Man Offering Gold and Coins to a Girl

Godfried Schalcken - A Woman singing and a Man with a Cittern

Godfried Schalcken - Allegory of Virtue and Riches

Godfried Schalcken - An Old Woman scouring a Pot

Gonzales Coques - A Family Group

Gonzales Coques - Hearing

Gonzales Coques - Portrait of a Man

Gonzales Coques - Portrait of a Woman as Saint Agnes

Gonzales Coques - Sight (Portrait of Robert van den Hoecke)

Gonzales Coques - Smell (Portrait of Lucas Fayd'herbe)

Gonzales Coques - Touch

Govert Flinck - Self Portrait aged 24

Greco-Roman - A Man with a Wreath

Gregorio di Cecco di Luca - The Marriage of the Virgin

Gregorio Lazzarini - Portrait of Antonio Correr

Gregorio Preti - Christ disputing with the Doctors

Guercino - Elijah fed by Ravens

Guercino - The Dead Christ mourned by Two Angels

Guercino - The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

Guido Reni - Christ embracing Saint John the Baptist

Guido Reni - Lot and his Daughters leaving Sodom

Guido Reni - Saint Jerome

Guido Reni - Saint Mary Magdalene

Guido Reni - Susannah and the Elders

Guido Reni - The Adoration of the Shepherds

Guido Reni - The Coronation of the Virgin

Gustav Klimt - Portrait of Hermine Gallia

Gustave Courbet - Beach Scene

Gustave Courbet - In the Forest

Gustave Courbet - Self Portrait (L'Homme à la Ceinture de Cuir)

Gustave Courbet - Still Life with Apples and a Pomegranate

Gustave Courbet - The Diligence in the Snow

Gustave Courbet - Young Ladies on the Bank of the Seine

Gustave Moreau - Saint George and the Dragon

Hans Baldung Grien - Portrait of a Man

Hans Baldung Grien - The Trinity and Mystic Pietà

Hans Holbein the Younger - A Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling (Anne Lovell)

Hans Holbein the Younger - Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan

Hans Holbein the Younger - The Ambassadors

Hans Memling - A Young Man at Prayer

Hans Memling - Saint John the Baptist (1)

Hans Memling - Saint John the Baptist

Hans Memling - Saint John the Evangelist (1)

Hans Memling - Saint John the Evangelist

Hans Memling - Saint Lawrence

Hans Memling - The Donne Triptych (1)

Hans Memling - The Donne Triptych

Hans Memling - The Virgin and Child with an Angel

Hans Memling - Two Panels from a Triptych

Hans Memling - Virgin and Child

Hans von Aachen - The Amazement of the Gods

Hans Wertinger - Summer

Harmen Steenwyck - Still Life - An Allegory of the Vanities of Human Life

Heinrich Wilhelm Schweickhardt - Cattle

Hendrick Avercamp - A Scene on the Ice near a Town

Hendrick Avercamp - A Winter Scene with Skaters near a Castle

Hendrick Dubbels - A Dutch Yacht and Other Vessels Becalmed near the Shore

Hendrick Pot - A Merry Company at Table

Hendrick Sorgh - A Woman playing Cards with Two Peasants

Hendrick Sorgh - Two Lovers at Table

Hendrick ter Brugghen - A Man playing a Lute

Hendrick ter Brugghen - Jacob reproaching Laban

Hendrick ter Brugghen - The Concert

Hendrick van Balen the Elder and Follower of Jan Brueghel the Elder - Pan pursuing Syrinx

Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger - Croesus and Solon

Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger - The Courtyard of a Renaissance Palace

Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger - The Interior of a Gothic Church looking East

Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger and Jan Brueghel the Elder - The Interior of a Gothic Church looking East (1)

Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger and Jan Brueghel the Elder - The Interior of a Gothic Church looking East

Hendrick Verschuring - Cavalry attacking a Fortified Place

Hendrik Frans van Lint - A Landscape with an Italian Hill Town

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Woman seated in a Garden

Henri Matisse - Portrait of Greta Moll

Henri Rousseau - Surprised!

Henri-Joseph Harpignies - A River Scene

Henri-Joseph Harpignies - Autumn Evening

Henri-Joseph Harpignies - Olive Trees at Menton

Henri-Joseph Harpignies - River and Hills

Henri-Joseph Harpignies - The Painter's Garden at Saint-Privé

Henri-Pierre Danloux - The Baron de Besenval in his Salon de Compagnie

Herman Saftleven - Christ Teaching from Saint Peter's Boat

Hieronymus Bosch - Christ Mocked (The Crowning with Thorns)

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - After the Bath, Woman drying herself

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - At the Café Chateaudun

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Ballet Dancers

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Beach Scene

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Combing the Hair (La Coiffure)

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Hélène Rouart in her Father's Study

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Portrait of Elena Carafa

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Princess Pauline de Metternich

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Promenade beside the Sea

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Russian Dancers

Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas - Young Spartans Exercising

Honoré-Victorin Daumier - Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

Hyacinthe Rigaud - Antoine Paris

Ignace-Henri-Théodore Fantin-Latour - A Basket of Roses

Ignace-Henri-Théodore Fantin-Latour - Still Life with Glass Jug, Fruit and Flowers

Ignace-Henri-Théodore Fantin-Latour - The Rosy Wealth of June

Ignacio de Leon y Escosura - A Man in 17th-Century Spanish Costume

Imitator of Aelbert Cuyp - A Herdsman with Seven Cows by a River

Imitator of Andrea Mantegna - Noli me Tangere

Imitator of Andrea Mantegna - The Maries at the Sepulchre

Imitator of Andrea Mantegna - The Resurrection

Imitator of David Teniers the Younger - A Doctor tending a Patient's Foot in his Surgery

Imitator of David Teniers the Younger - An Old Woman Reading

Imitator of David Teniers the Younger - Personification of Autumn

Imitator of Fra Filippo Lippi - The Virgin and

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