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DestroyIt v1.10 – Unity毁灭系统

admin 2024-06-10 9次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0







注意:由于Unity 2018.3中预制系统的更改,DestroyIt 1.10需要此版本。


Major Features
* Support for destructible terrain trees.
* New Auto-Activate feature on DestructionManager script allows you to have thousands of deactivated destructible objects in the scene and activate them when player is near.

Unity Version
* Updated DestroyIt to Unity 2018.3

Bug Fixes
* Fixed DestroyIt Mobile shader to correct an error reported in the console, and to fix the progressive damage texture.

Particle Effects
* Added LeafBulletHit, LeafParticleEffect, and LeafParticleEffectHeavy.
* Updated all particle effects to use the 2018.3 particle shaders.

Enhancements/New Features
* Blast effects (rocket, nuke, various explosions) now apply damage using both BlastForce and BlastDamage parameters instead of only BlastForce.
* Rocket and Explode scripts modified so they have three blast radii – Point Blank, Near, and Far. You can adjust the damage and radii of all three.
* Added new SpawnObject script to spawn particle effects directly from the object pool.
* Improved the way AutoPooling works – Destructible scripts insert objects into the pool instead of the ObjectPool looking for Destructibles in the scene.
* Implemented auto backup/restore process for terrainData tree changes in the Unity Editor if Unity crashes.
* Implemented process to save destructible tree stand-ins to a hashed Resources path so you can manage destructible drees for multiple scenes without conflict.
* Hit points of destructible objects can now have decimals.
* New menu option Window -> DestroyIt -> Setup – First Person Controller adds a first person controller gameobject with camera and pre-configured weapons to your scene.
* InputManager was moved from the GameManager to the FirstPersonController prefab.

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