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Unity Pro三维可视化游戏开发互动动画软件V5.6.2 p2 x64

admin 2024-05-31 7次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
资源版本:V5.6.2 p2 官方地址:DEMO 资源标签:Unity,游戏开发 Unity Pro三维可视化游戏开发互动动画软件V5.6.2 p2信息:Unity3D是由Unity Technologies开发的一个让玩家轻松创建诸如三维视频游戏、建筑可视化、实时三维动画等类型互动内容的多平台的...
资源版本:V5.6.2 p2

Unity Pro三维可视化游戏开发互动动画软件V5.6.2 p2信息:

Unity3D是由Unity Technologies开发的一个让玩家轻松创建诸如三维视频游戏、建筑可视化、实时三维动画等类型互动内容的多平台的综合型游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。


Android: Enabled NEON in Umbra.
Animation: Optimized evaluation of complex blend trees, and blend trees with empty child nodes.
Graphics: Added R8 and RG16 Texture formats, and RGBAUShort and RG16 Render Texture formats.
Improved Outline Editor module performance in Sprite Editor Window.
IOS: Added support for the 5th generation iPad.
Networking: Added a timeout property to UnityWebRequest. This gives coarse grain control over timeouts for webrequests.
Physics 2D: SpriteRenderer's Sprite Tiling behavior changed when width/height is negative value.
Physics 2D:Update BoxCollider2D Sprite Tiling generation to produce cleaner shape
UI: CanvasRenderer:nTransformChanged will not be called when object is inactive. (815861)
Video: Optimized video decoding directly into RenderTexture if it is the same size as the video stream
Video: Skip-ahead functionality improvements.
VR: Updated Oculus to version 1.14.

GI: Added support for LOD baking in Progressive Lightmapper. Light Probes are not necessary anymore when baking LODs using Progressive Lightmapper.
GI: Support for double sided materials in Progressive Lightmapper. Added a new material setting that causes lighting to interact with backfaces. When enabled, both sides of the geometry get accounted for when calculating Global Illumination. Backfaces do not count as invalid when seen from other objects. Backface rendering is not controlled by this setting nor will backfaces be represented in the lightmaps. Backfaces bounce light using the same emission and albedo as frontfaces.

2D: Added Sprite changes in play mode when using [TIGHT] texture packing and high quality compression. (871871)
2D: Changed warning message "MaterialPropertyBlock is used to modify these values" to info message. (888016)
2D: Fixed an issue where SpriteUtility.GetSpriteUvs returned invalid Uvs. (898383)
2D: Fixed an issue whereby blue line briefly flickers when moving mouse in Sprite Editor "Edit Outline" mode in OSX Metal. (903668)
2D: Fixed an issue whereby Sprite packer caused Out of memory error. (897066)
AI: Added missing API for minimum region area when building a NavMesh using the runtime API. (906017)
AI: Fixed a crash happening when Warp() is called many times for a NavMeshAgent. (904910)
AI: Fixed a regression where a NavMeshAgent with 'autoTraverseOffMeshLink' set to false would not move freely. (905621)
AI: Fixed an internal limitation of slope maximum of 60 degrees when building a NavMesh using the runtime API. (906012)
AI: Fixed an issue where carving obstacles could create wrongly shaped holes on NavMesh instances of arbitrary rotation. (902956)
AI: Fixed missing support for triangulating NavMesh instances with arbitrary rotation. (886302)
Android: Buildpipe - Fixed slow loading with OBB by processing streaming assets in obbassets.
Android: Changed threshold to recognize big cores of ARM big.LITTLE architecture better. (915805)
Android: Dropped obscured touch events to prevent tapjacking. (900191)
Android: Fixed a regression where Banner Ads are invisible, but still clickable. (916119)
Android: Fixed an out of memory crash when using a static splash screen. (905867)
Android: Fixed assertion failures of GLES calls without valid context on debug and development builds. (898900,868921)
Android: Fixed pause/resume issues when loading with static splash image. (867891)
Android: Fixed the build process when using Gradle so that checks for signed applications are performed at the beginning of the build process, instead of at the end. (890531)
Android: Make SoftInput not take fullscreen on landscape orientation. (905581)
Animation: Fixed a crash when loading an asset bundle with an override animator controller. (908960)
Animation: Fixed an issue where using an override controller multiple times would not animate correctly. (910194)
Animation: Fixed animating Material Vector4 properties when in linear color space. (908999)
Animation: Fixed animation root motion layering. (900109)
Animation: Fixed DeoptimizeTransformHierarchy crashing when a GameObject with a SkinnedMeshRenderer was attached to an exposed bone. (896498)
Animation: Fixed incorrect animated color values when in linear color space. (893042)
Animation: Improved build and AssetBundle data determinism for Human components.
Build Pipeline: Fixed a crash when building a project containing materials with missing shaders. (915659)
Build Pipeline: Fixed AssetBundle statistics that are printed to the editor log when building AssetBundles. (890644)
Build Pipeline: Fixed issue with Scene AssetBundles that would cause multiple builds with the same Scene to generate different results. (895452)
BuildPipeline: Fixed an issue when trying to build asset bundles for target other than what was selected in Build Settings. (865770)
Editor: Fixed 1-dimensional sphere bounds handle had no wireframe representation.
Editor: Fixed an invalid index error when deleting custom resolution in game view. (879531)
Editor: Fixed an issue where the editor would go unresponsive and text would turn red ("Missing built-n guistyle", "Unable to find style"). (888678)
Editor: Fixed issue where color picker would crash on Metal. (901529)
Editor: Fixed issue where Mesh and Model previews would not render in the Inspector window.
Editor: Fixed issue with NullReferenceException when deleting the last remaining quality setting. (903620)
Editor: Fixed issue with Xcode project; queueDebuggingEnabled is now included. (908964)
Editor: Fixed PrimitiveBoundsHandle.DrawHandle() not resetting Handles.color if alt-clicking to rotate camera.
Editor: Fixed SerializedObject.maxArraySizeForMultiEditing not being respected when using default property drawer. (817640)
Fix to prevent crashes in the editor due to UI and animation (889776)
Fixed an issue where plugins would only clear part of the framebuffer when single pass stereo is enabled. This also fixes VRWorks' Single Pass Stereo and Lens matched shading. (908990)
Fixed issue where profiler would crash when the active frame was out of view. (903397)
Fixed TextureImporter to allow newly-imported textures to have their AssetBundle name/variant set. (905640)

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