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可视化开发工具Unity Pro 2017.3.1 p2 x64+addons+support

admin 2024-05-31 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Unity Pro 2017是一个非常强大的工具,可以让我们创建自己的可视化游戏,另外在互联网上我们可以找到大量的视频课程,这些课程明显有助于我们一步一步地执行所有必要的操作。Unity支持Boo语言,所以喜欢编程的人员,可以最大化的利用这些来脑洞大开,现在VR虚拟场景技术越来越受到大家的欢迎,那么...

Unity Pro 2017是一个非常强大的工具,可以让我们创建自己的可视化游戏,另外在互联网上我们可以找到大量的视频课程,这些课程明显有助于我们一步一步地执行所有必要的操作。


Unity Pro 2017.3.1 p2 更新日志
2D: Change Outline and Physics Shape module behaviour in Sprite Editor Window. The module will only show outlines only when user has customised it.
2D: TextureImporter Inspector has an option to enable default Physics Shape for Sprites

(None) – Android: Fixed crash when a compute shader is being used that did not compile/link on a device.
(985591) – Android: Fixed issues when trying to use jobified rendering on certain graphics devices like GLES.
(952769) – Android: Fixed problem when there is no valid EGL context when running the player loop.
(963958) – Asset Importing: Fixed issue with MonoScripts for StateMachineBehaviour derived classes not being extracted from managed plugins.
(996950) – Cloud: Fixed exception when building in Cloud Build with Performance Reporting enabled.
(None) – Editor: Fixed issue with “Rider 2017.2.1.app” not being recognized as Rider code editor. Now recognizes “Rider*.app”.
(979704) – Editor: Fixed issue with UWP build failing when using .asmdef assemblies.
(None) – Editor: Fixed issue with only assemblies whose name start with “Assembly” being debuggable on IL2CPP platforms.
(1001461) – Editor: Fixed YAMLMerge performance issue when merging large files.
(996204) (988580) – Editor: Fixed Editor window, Panel and all related managed object leaking.
(986160) – GI: Fixed the intensity of baked and real-time emissive materials in Enlighten.
(989476) – IL2CPP: Improvedthe startup performance of Unity players built with IL2CPP.
(993422) – IL2CPP: Correct a possible build failure with IL2CPP when an attribute constructor has two arguments of type object.
(994283) – Fixed uninstalling Unity leaving sketchupapi.dll behind.
(982435) – OSX: Fixed crash on Editor panel close on select versions of macOS.
(878407) – Physics: Fixed PhysX crash when calling Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc on Android devices.
(980553) – Profiler: Fixed EndThreadProfiler crashing Unity when called from main thread.
(996508) – PS4: Fixed crash when calling DateTime.Now whilst using il2cpp.
(991969) – PS4: Fixed native rendering plugin GetContext() not returning correct value.
(977003) – Scripting: Fixed memory snapshot errors related to invalid GCHandle values.
(974031) – Scripting: Fixed memory snapshot naming for types without a namespace.
(974042) – Scripting: Fixed memory snapshot naming for nested types.
(993302) – Scripting: Fixed incorrect value when using Math.Round with MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero.
(929984) – Scripting: Fixed crash when using named pipes.
(990559) – Scripting: Fixed crash when using unsafe code in an assembly built with VS2017.
(973437) – UI: iOS Fixed incorrect processing of touch canceled events.
(984325) (966106) – UI: Fixed entering playmode with profiler open and UI in the scene crashes in UI::Canvas::CaptureBatchFrame.
(998862) (980089)- XR: Fixed crash when connecting simulator device while running in editor.
(994652) – XR: Fixed losing focus causing the thread to sleep causing fps to drop.
(994652) – XR: Fixed frame rate throttling when Windows MR device loses tracking.

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