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Unity Pro 2018.2.3f1 + Add – 三维动画制作工具

admin 2024-05-31 8次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Unity Pro是一个非常强大的工具,可以让我们创建自己的可视化游戏,另外在互联网上我们可以找到大量的视频课程,这些课程明显有助于我们一步一步地执行所有必要的操作。Unity支持Boo语言,所以喜欢编程的人员,可以最大化的利用这些来脑洞大开,现在VR虚拟场景技术越来越受到大家的欢迎,那么Unity...

Unity Pro是一个非常强大的工具,可以让我们创建自己的可视化游戏,另外在互联网上我们可以找到大量的视频课程,这些课程明显有助于我们一步一步地执行所有必要的操作。


Unity Pro 2018.2.3f1更新日志:

(1040282) – 2D – Fixed issue where the SpriteAtlas Inspector did not correctly update after calling SpriteAtlasExtensions.SetPlatformSetting.
(1037553) – 2D – Fixed issue where changes to the “Max Texture Size” and “Compression” settings in the Sprite Atlas weren’t saved properly.
(1040280) – 2D – Fixed issue where SpriteAtlas packed Sprites did not render after SetPlatformSettings and PackAtlases.
(1046157) – 2D – Fixed issue where Sprite Renderer was rendering from the wrong Sprite Atlas with a duplicate name because of a late binding issue.
(1048645, 1041651) – Android – Fixed issue where instant app installs failed with the internal build system, because there was no APK Signature Scheme v2.
(1053353, 1041385) – Android – Unity no longer destroys Gradle Daemons after every build; it now destroys them on Editor exit.
(1053346, 1016755) – Android – Fixed an issue where Android Gradle builds failed when a custom template used double asterixes.
(1062024, 941276) – Android – Fixed an issue where multithreaded rendering became enabled when upgrading from 2017.1.
(1060076, 956425) – Android – Added a friendly user message when using JDK other than 8.
(1004980) – Asset Bundles – Fixed an issue where it was impossible to build Variants using the BuildPipeline API that takes an AssetBundleBuild array.
(1004980) – Build Pipeline – Fixed issue where variant bundles built via a build map show an error and have pink texture.
(1058139) – Editor – Added a 1px interior stroke to the color slider thumb, to improve visibility against the light background.
(1051179) – Editor – Fixed bug where opening the native color picker on macOS would immediately change a color field’s value to the most recent color selected.
(1047812) – Editor – Fixed issue where Unity did not calculate GUI text width correctly when GUIStyle used Word Wrap.
(1063416, 1040256) – Editor – Fixed misplaced tooltip when moving UIElements position.
(1012892) – Editor – Appled fix to generate C# project and solution for all script editors when using Assets > Open C# Project menu.
(1037523) – Editor – Fixed issue with .sln project names not being unique.
(1047812) – Editor – Fixed issue where GUI text width was not calculated correctly when GUIStyle used Word Wrap.
(1032167) – Graphics – Fixed race condition when using Reflection probes extensively.
(1057610) – Graphics – Fixed bug where a color with a max RGB component of 1 was decomposed as if it were an HDR color with exposure.
(1047517) – Graphics – Fixed RenderTexture Assets using the default color format even when selecting a different format.
(1053308) – IL2CPP – Fixed managed debugger exception handling issue which threw an exception if the type for a catch handler was not specified.
(1056170) – IL2CPP – Applied fix to correctly treat the timeout value passed to Socket.Poll as microseconds, instead of milliseconds.
(1058474) – IL2CPP – Fixed [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] not working during certain player builds when managed code stripping occurs.
(1058475) – IL2CPP – Fixed [Preserve] not working during certain player builds when managed code stripping occurs.
(1044003) – Kernel – Fixed crash on shutdown when calling JobHandle.Complete() or Scheduling jobs during OnDisable during engine shutdown.
(1056554) – Kernel – Added missing information to Scripted Importers serialization. This fixes script change detection so that Unity can reimport Assets correctly.
(1056554) – Kernel – Fixed Unity crashing when trying to preview an Asset with scripted importers.
(1060093, 1056406) – Kernel – Fixed crash and modified behaviour when passing null to Transform.Find.
(1062524, 1049679) – Linux – Fixed keyboard input buffering at low framerates on Linux.
(None) – Mono – Removed the 32-bit slice from Mono, so that macOS App Store submissions are not rejected.
(1056126) – OSX – Fixed regression of Gamepads and Joysticks not working in Mac OSX Standalone player.
(769969) – OSX – Fixed issuewhere the Player configuration window would not open when you clicked its tray icon in OSX Dock panel.
(None) – Package Manager – Fixed an issue where upm.log (and UnityLog.txt on Mac) would get spammed when running offline search requests.
(None) – Package Manager – Fixed an issue where existing npm configuration files would interfere with the Package Manager. – (
(None) – Package Manager – Fixed an issue where HTTP requests from Unity to the local upm server would abort after 2 minutes.
(1061427) – Package Manager – Fixed issue where packages downloaded for one registry became available on all registries.
(1062050) – Particles – Added a warning message that appears when you assign a non-read/write Mesh to a Renderer that won’t be shown.
(1062051, 1051205) – Particles – Fixed crash and added a warning message that appears when you assign a non-read/write Mesh to the Shape module.
(1043662) – Physics – Fixed crash when deactivating/re-activating a transform in RunTimeInitializeOnLoadMethod, if there is a Rigidbody attached.
(1030966) – Physics – Fixed a bug when WheelCollider.GetGroundHit causes crash at Scripting::ScriptingWrapperFor if WheelCollider is null.
(1061733, 1025263) – Physics – Fixed a performance regression when using continuous collision detection on kinematic Rigidbody components,
(1041208) – Physics – Fixed an issue where RaycastCommand would yield a wrong result if input ray direction was not normialized.
(1060013, 1050751) – Physics – Fixed an issue where a Collider’s underlying PhysX Transfrom did not update correctly when reparenting.
(1064077) – Scriptable Build Pipeline – Fixed an issue where Unity was stripping precompiled assembly serialized data in the Scriptable Build Pipeline.
(1032183) – Scripting – Fixed issue where packages would sometimes not compile when starting the Editor with “Assembly has reference to non-existent assembly” .asmdef errors.
(None) – Services – Fixed an issue which inadvertently enabled Analytics when creating a new project.
(1044712) – Shaders – Fixed issue where Custom Surface Shader did not handle Shadow correctly when used from DrawMeshInstancedIndirect.
(1062117) – Timeline – Fixed Animation Track refresh when Avatar Masks are updated on override tracks.
(1046113) – VR – Updated copy of warning and log message when using Canvas screen space overlay render mode with VR enabled.
(1059945) – XR – Fixed issue where XR plug-ins delivered via the Package Manager (notably ARCore and ARKit) produced warnings in the console window regarding multiple GUIDs.
(None) – XR – Shifted Gear VR Touchpad Axes to 16 and 17 in for consistency with other platforms.
(None) – XR – Updated Resonance audio plugins to version 1.2.1. Fixed a meta file issue in OSX standalone builds.

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