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Rhino 5高端渲染器ChaosGroup V-Ray V3.40.02 For Win

admin 2024-05-31 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
资源版本:V3.40.02 官方地址:DEMO 资源标签:V-Ray,渲染 Rhino 5高端渲染器ChaosGroup V-Ray V3.40.02 For Win信息:V-Ray提供最先进的解决方案的可视化专业犀牛Rhino产生无比真实的高质量的图像,该犀牛Rhino插件与Robert McN...

Rhino 5高端渲染器ChaosGroup V-Ray V3.40.02 For Win信息:

V-Ray提供最先进的解决方案的可视化专业犀牛Rhino产生无比真实的高质量的图像,该犀牛Rhino插件与Robert McNeel & Associates’ 的工作原理,Rhino是一个最流行的基于Windows的NURBS建模工具····



Top-Bottom stereo output layout has been implemented
Materials in the Asset Editor can now be renamed during Interactive rendering
Grasshopper Components have been Reorganized
The EXR, HDR and VRIMG file format have been added when saving Bongo animation
The VFB Stop button now stops the entire Batch Rendering process
Vertex Colors have been added and placed on the UV Texture when the channel is set to 0
Added script function GetObjectVRayName
Added visSetFocusPoint option to use Target point – this is a legacy option to work as in V-Ray 2.0 /span>
The ability to export vrscene during Batch Render have been added
The ability to control the reflection depth and refraction depth to the BRDF Reflection and BRDF Refraction layer independently have been added.
Dialog window prompts when the imported geometries have a material already used in the current scene
Object as Clipper – this allows you to clip with a custom geometry (nurbs or mesh)
Set Materials ID to Black have been added to the V-Ray Tool menu. This option will set a black material ID color to all materials
Installation & Licensing
The Online License Server (OSL) installer has been updated to version 4.4.1
The SWARM installer has been updated to version 1.3.6
V-Ray License optimizations at Rhino start-up have been implemented, V-Ray will now check license from the first plug-in interaction.
User Interface
Asset Editor icons have been updated to have consistent colors. Grayed out buttons can now be easily identified
The Production and Interactive render buttons now become active when pressed. The state indicates whether a rendering process is ongoing. They can also be used to stop the rendering when deactivated. This applies to both the V-Ray toolbar and the Asset Editor buttons
Match Viewport mode has been added to the Render Output / Aspect Ratio drop-down menu. This mode will make sure that the rendered image aspect matches exactly the viewport aspect ratio
Update button has been added to the Match Viewport options. It lets you update the aspect ratio in case the viewport resolution changes during interactive rendering
The “Show Progress Window” have been moved from the “Tool” menu to the “V-Ray Render and Options” sub-menu
The Pack Scene tool has been renamed to Pack Project
Geometry Type icons have been added in the Asset Editors Geometry list. The icons identify the geometry type even if a custom object name has been used
VFB and Asset Editor window parenting has been improved
The Pick Focus Point and Update (get viewport aspect) button icons have been updated
Max Depth option has been implemented for the Reflection and Refraction material layers
V-Ray Edges texture Pixel Width can now be used to control edge thickness
Use 3d Mapping checkbox has been implemented for all 3D textures. Previously those textures were always using the 3d Mapping mode. Now they can also be used as 2D maps and manipulated with the UVW controls
The animation speed of the UI toggle buttons has been increased
The “Edit Material” have been moved from “V-Ray Render and Option” to the “V-Ray Material” sub-menu
“V-Ray RT” the option to render in viewport have been renamed to “V-Ray Interactive”
The ‘Progressive’ switch button is now grayed out in Interactive mode
Light Type icons have been added to the Asset Editors Light list. The icons identify the light source type and can be used to enable or disable the light
Light enable/disable toggles have been implemented for all light types
Directionality parameter has been implemented for the Light Rectangle light source
Light Rectangle parameters have been re-organized. Portal Light toggle and drop-down menu have been implemented. Diffuse and specular contribution sliders have been added to the light parameters. No Decay option have been added.
Light Sphere parameters have been re-organized. Diffuse and specular contribution sliders have been added to the light parameters. No Decay option have been added.
Light Sun parameters have been re-organized. Sky and Ground Albedo parameters are now split into separate tabs.
Light Mesh parameters have been re-organized. Diffuse and specular contribution sliders have been added to the light parameters. No Decay option have been added.
Light Dome parameters have been re-organized. Diffuse and specular contribution sliders have been added to the light parameters. Shape drop-down menu has been added to the light parameters. It replaces the Dome Spherical option and toggles between a hemispherical and spherical light shape. Affect Alpha option have been added.
Light Spot parameters have been re-organized. Diffuse and specular contribution sliders have been added to the light parameters
Light IES parameters have been re-organized. Diffuse and specular contribution sliders have been added to the light parameters. Light shape override options have been implemented. They can be used to change shadow softness.
Light Omni parameters have been re-organized. Diffuse and

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