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admin 2024-05-29 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Photoshop风格化角色表情绘制教程,时长:3小时38分,教程使用软件:Photoshop CS5 ,附工程源文件(96 MB),作者:Eddie Russell,官方发布时间:2012年5月1日,语言:英语。在本教学中,我们将学习通过绘制女性角色...

本教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Photoshop风格化角色表情绘制教程,时长:3小时38分,教程使用软件:Photoshop CS5 ,附工程源文件(96 MB),作者:Eddie Russell,官方发布时间:2012年5月1日,语言:英语。




Digital-Tutors Drawing Expressions for a Stylized Character in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial, we will further develop our stylized female character concept by drawing some of her expressions. We’ll get started by taking a look at each of the features on a face and learning about how they can be drawn to communicate a variety of different expressions. Next we will start slow and remove the problems of perspective from the equation by learning how to draw our expressions on a profile of our character. From here, we’ll move on and learn how to draw the same expressions on a 3/4 view of the character. Lastly, we will spend some time learning rr-sc.com how a character’s body language can be used in conjunction with their facial expression to really help communicate their emotions. After completing this course, you’ll have a good idea how to further develop your characters by exploring how their expressions might change depending on the situation.

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