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admin 2024-05-29 8次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本视频教程是由Gnomon机构出品的人体结构与比率手绘绘画视频教程第三季,The Gnomon Workshop Anatomy Workshop Volume Three,时长:2小时15分,大小:4.08 GB,格式:MOV高清视频格式,作者:Charles Hu,语言:英语。。人体结构与比例手...

本视频教程是由Gnomon机构出品的人体结构与比率手绘绘画视频教程第三季,The Gnomon Workshop Anatomy Workshop Volume Three,时长:2小时15分,大小:4.08 GB,格式:MOV高清视频格式,作者:Charles Hu,语言:英语。。

人体结构与比例手绘绘画视频教程第三季-Charles Hu介绍骨骼结构,力学和人体比例

在这次人体解剖学教程系列教程之骨骼结构,力学和人体比例中,作者Charles Hu将会解析人体骨骼方面,如何绘制一个动态的造型。我们从基本的比例和结构入手,Charles会把人体骨骼拆分程9个部分:头,肩,肋骨,脊柱,骨盆,胳膊,腿,双手和双脚。他会分析主要的关节和每一个部分的剖面,还有确定特定骨骼部位对

力学和运动的重要性。Charles也会探讨每个部位的结构力学来规定能理解的系统内容,所有这些都是为了能绘画出更真实更有动感的人体形态。(翻译介绍 - 转载请注明)


The Gnomon Workshop Anatomy Workshop Volume Three

Anatomy Workshop Volume Three – Skeletal Structure, Mechanics and Proportion with Charles Hu

In this human anatomy tutorial series titled Skeletal Structure, Mechanics and Proportion, instructor Charles Hu will break down the human skeletal system in terms of how it relates to drawing a dynamic figure. Starting with basic proportion and structure, Charles breaks down the human skeleton into 9 primary structures: the head, shoulder, rib cage, spine, pelvis, arms, legs, hands and feet. He breaks down the primary landmarks and planes of each structure and identifies features on specific bones important to the mechanics and motion. Charles also discusses the skeletal mechanics of each structure to provide the mechanical understanding of the system in order to achieve more realistic and dynamic figure drawings.


Charles Hu is a figure painter and notable art instructor. In 2007, he co-founded his own fine art school, 3Kicks Fine Art Studio in Pasadena California. Charles received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. He began his instructional career at L.A. Academy of Figurative Arts. His commissions include numerous portrait paintings, character designs for film and game pitches, murals and comic books for the movie End of the Spear. His work has been exhibited at Wendt Gallery in Laguna Beach California. Charles currently instructs at Art Center College of Design and Gnomon School of Visual Effects in Hollywood.

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