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ZBrush硬皮表面技术高级教程第二辑 - 创建角色铠甲

admin 2024-05-25 4次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本教程是由Eat3D机构出品的ZBrush硬皮表面技术高级教程第二辑 - 创建角色铠甲。在这张DVD中,讲师麦克Jensen是由大众的需求,表现出更坚硬的表面技术,使用ZBrush4 R2。迈克开始给所有的技术和基础,将建立一个完整的装甲集覆盖概述。然后,他开始concepting字符的盔甲,然后建...

本教程是由Eat3D机构出品的ZBrush硬皮表面技术高级教程第二辑 - 创建角色铠甲。

在这张DVD中,讲师麦克Jensen是由大众的需求,表现出更坚硬的表面技术,使用ZBrush4 R2。迈克开始给所有的技术和基础,将建立一个完整的装甲集覆盖概述。然后,他开始concepting字符的盔甲,然后建立了主要为最终的形状。麦克然后开始详细的最终装甲,并把它所有组合的质量造型。最后,他谈到如何对你的模型,并带入3D Studio Max的渲染与VRay的,然后在Photoshop最终合成。

Eat3D ZBrush Hard Surface Techniques 2

In this DVD, Instructor Mike Jensen is back by popular demand to demonstrate even more hard surface techniques using ZBrush 4 R2. Mike starts off giving an overview of all the techniques and basics that will be covered in the creation of a full armor set. He then starts concepting the character armor and then building out the main shapes for the final. Mike then begins to detail the final armor and brings it all to portfolio quality sculpt. Finally he talks a little about how to pose your model and bring it into 3d Studio Max to render with VRay and then compositing the final in Photoshop.

This DVD is perfect for those who want to learn how to create hard surface character armor inside ZBrush 4 R2.

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