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admin 2024-05-25 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本教程是Digital-Tutors机构出品的Softimage翅膀套索训练教程,时长2小时41分,附工程文件。SOFTIMAGE公司是加拿大Avid公司旗下的子公司。SOFTIMAGE 3D是专业动画设计师的重要工具。用SOFTIMAGE 3D创建和制作的作品占据了娱乐业和影视业的主要市场,《泰坦...


SOFTIMAGE公司是加拿大Avid公司旗下的子公司。SOFTIMAGE 3D是专业动画设计师的重要工具。用SOFTIMAGE 3D创建和制作的作品占据了娱乐业和影视业的主要市场,《泰坦尼克号》、《失落的世界》、《第五元素》等电影中的很多镜头都是由SOFTIMAGES 3D制作完成的,创造了惊人的视觉效果。

Digital-Tutors : Rigging Wings in Softimage 2 hrs. 41 min.| Released on August 1, 2011|Project Files Included (20 MB) Required Software: Softimage 2012

In this collection of lessons we will learn how to rig a wing in Softimage.

In this course, we will learn how to rig a wing in Softimage. We will first cover some things to consider when constructing the control rig. From there, we will set up the wing, step by step, making sure the system we build will be sufficient to the needs of an animator. We’ll also work with custom parameters and expressions to automate certain behaviors so the animator can work faster.

教程章节目录:23 videos in this course

1. Introduction and project overview

2. Understanding the wing

3. Preparing the scene

4. Building the wing bones

5. Enveloping the wing

6. Starting on the feather rig

7. Enveloping the feathers to their control system

8. Creating the wing's primary animation controls

9. Auxiliary controls for the wing

10. Connecting the wing bones to their controls

11. Finishing the wing controls

12. Creating custom parameters to fan the feathers

13. Linking the feathers to their fan parameters

14. Setting up the primary feather controls

15. Building controls for fanning the feathers collectively

16. Fanning the feathers collectively

17. Creating controls to deform the middle of each feather

18. Constraining the feather nulls to the mid controls

19. Adding automatic delay via the mid feather controls

20. Automating the collapsing and expanding of the wing

21. Creating a system that will rotate the feathers as the wing folds in

22. Finishing the wing fold system

23. Finalizing the wing rig

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