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admin 2024-05-25 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本课程已教授于来自世界各地的艺术家,他们在动画,游戏,视觉特效工作室等领域有杰出的成就。课程被工业光魔,皮尔斯,育碧,迪斯尼,索尼,卢卡斯等公司所采用。讲座主题包括:人体比例和骨骼胸部,肩部,腹部上臂和前臂骨盆,上下脚手,脚,头部和颈部性别,年龄,体重的变化;动物解剖学Scott-Eaton Ana...










Scott-Eaton Anatomy for Artists Online Course

Welcome to Scott Eaton’s Anatomy for Artists online course page. The course is online to share the anatomy lessons of the old masters with artists intent on mastering the human figure. The course takes the daunting task of learning human anatomy and distills it into artist-focused lessons that cover the critical foundation that every figurative artist needs to know.

This course has been taught to artists from around the world including artists from leading animation, game, and visual effects studios – Industrial Light & Magic, Weta, Pixar, Ubisoft, LucasArts, Disney, Sony, Rhythm & Hues, Valve and many others.

It has also helped build a solid anatomical foundation for students from respected art schools and academies including the the Florence Academy of Art, the School of Visual Arts (SVA), the Savannah College of Art and Design, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), and the Art Students League of New York.

Lecture topics include:

Introduction, Proportions and the Skeleton

Chest, Shoulders, Abdomen

Upper and Lower Back

Upper Arms and Forearms

Pelvis, Upper and Lower Legs

Hands, Feet, Head and Neck

Gender, Age, Weight Variations

Bonus Lecture: Introduction to Animal Anatomy

Each week students get access to self-paced video lectures covering the regions of the body outlined above (2-2.5 hours of lecture per week). In addition to the lecture material, each week Scott thoroughly reviews previous lectures and posts video replies to questions received about earlier lessons. Each lecture also sees Scott review the best (or worst) examples of “what not to do” by dissecting images in his infamous Gallery Abominate. This gives a humorous, but educational, look at common anatomical mistakes that beginners and professionals alike make in their work.

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