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admin 2024-05-25 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本软件是由thefoundry机构出品的3D纹理绘制工具软件1.5v2版,The Foundry Mari 1.5v2,大小:133.25 MB,格式:exe crack,语言:英语。业内领先的视觉特效软件开发团队The Foundry日前发布MARI 1.5v2。Mari最初是Weta工作室在创作...

本软件是由thefoundry机构出品的3D纹理绘制工具软件1.5v2版,The Foundry Mari 1.5v2,大小:133.25 MB,格式:exe crack,语言:英语。

业内领先的视觉特效软件开发团队The Foundry日前发布MARI 1.5v2。Mari最初是Weta工作室在创作《阿凡达》的过程中研发的,现在发展为满足苛刻的视觉特效纹理和哑光绘制设计师需求的3D绘图工具行业标准,已经为Industrial Light & Magic、 Pixar、 Digital Domain以及 DreamWorks Animation等众多工作室广泛采用。


在Mari版本不但增加了支持Photoshop PSD分层文件的导入导出功能,而其实它的创新之处还在于增加了对索尼影像的支持,开发了颜色管理标准软件OpenColorIO和triplanar纹理项目。通过引入Adobe Photoshop 分层 PSD导入导出功能,行业标准的颜色管理工具OpenColorIO以及triplanar projection,MARI 1.4简化了工作流程,提高了速度。使用MARI 1.4设计师们可以更细致地作图,多层纹理直接导出3D模型,解决了很多老生常谈的视觉特效方面的问题,节省了时间。

该软件最初是为了处理最炫目的视觉特效电影而开发的,后来The Foundry不断对其进行改进。MARI可以方便地嵌套进你现有的管道中,它通常可以适应很多未预见到的产品要求。

MARI是一款全新的具有创造性的3D纹理绘制产品,最初在Weta Digital开发,主要用来解决高细节的纹理问题,后被用于影片《阿凡达》、《第九区》等的开发制作中。MARI能够轻松处理高细节——数以万计的复杂纹理——快速且简单。MARI深受欢迎,并收到了来自各式各样的纹理绘制社区的预定请求,这其中不乏Double Negative和Framestore这样的大客户。

The Foundry Mari 1.5v2

MARI is a production proven 3D digital paint tool designed to keep artists painting. Built from the ground up so artists can spend more time being creative and less time managing technical issues, MARI lets artists paint directly onto 3D models, view work in context and spend much less time copying files back and forth between applications.

Designed to meet the needs of even the most challenging VFX painting projects, MARI is capable of handling super high-resolution textures and millions of polygons without slowing artists down. MARI is open, scriptable and interacts well with other VFX tools and Photoshop. With a customisable UI to boot, with MARI, artists can work the way they want to work.

Making life simple, MARI fits around the artist to provide a fast and flexible workflow, where day to day technical issues are a thing of the past and artists can work in ways never thought possible before.

Mari 1.5v1 New Features:

In under 3 minutes, this video showcases the great new features now available in MARI 1.5v1. Covering overlapping UVs, shadow support, new Photoshop ABR brush import and much more.

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