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admin 2024-05-25 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本教程是关于Maya与UE4游戏角色舞蹈动画制作视频教程第一季,时长:1小时22分,大小:590 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Maya,Unreal,附源文件,共9个章节,作者:Class Creatives,语言:英语。分享Autodesk Maya是美国Autodesk公司出品的世界...

本教程是关于Maya与UE4游戏角色舞蹈动画制作视频教程第一季,时长:1小时22分,大小:590 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Maya,Unreal,附源文件,共9个章节,作者:Class Creatives,语言:英语。

分享Autodesk Maya是美国Autodesk公司出品的世界顶级的三维动画软件,应用对象是专业的影视广告,角色动画,电影特技等。



Maya 集成了Alias、Wavefront 最先进的动画及数字效果技术。


Maya 可在Windows NT与 SGI IRIX 操作系统上运行。

在目前市场上用来进行数字和三维制作的工具中,Maya 是首选解决方案。

Maya参与制作的电影有:法国国宝级艺术家Jean Giraud,他原创的影片有《第五元素》、《异形》、《星战》等,并参与制作了《沙丘魔堡》、《深渊》等经典科幻电影;导演Glenn Chaika,著名动画片导演,曾在迪斯尼担任《小美人鱼》的动画师,并执导《拇指仙童历险记》、《花木兰II》等影片;模型监制Wayne Kennedy是曾参与过《隐形人》、《星球大战》、《龙卷风》、《黑衣人》、《木乃伊》的模型师;动画监制Bob Koch和Kelvin Lee是担任《 玩具总动员》、《精灵鼠小弟》等影片的资深动画师;特效指导Manny Wong曾担任《后天》的特效总监,并参与制作了《狂莽之灾I》、《星河战舰》、《巨蟒》、《魔女游戏》等影片。

:Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creative’s Maya & Unreal: 3D Character Kpop Dance Animation Fundamentals | Complete Guide From Beginners to Pros | Body Mechanics & VFX Basics!!In this foundation course we will be learning the fundamentals of Character Animation for games (specifically for the Unreal engine, but this method will also work for other game engines such as Unity).Learn everything necessary for a Character Animation Dance (Kpop example) utilizing Autodesk Maya taught by a AAA game professional with university level accredited instruction! This process can be applied to any style of dance animation for your project!Autodesk Maya is the industry standard 3D animation software, understanding the concepts in this course will help you land a job in the game, film, tv, or music industry. In this course you will learn how to rig and animate your custom created character from scratch.We will cover the following core skill sets:Getting started with Maya and understanding the animation processUnderstanding how to utilize the reference image plane in Maya to create a realistic game engine ready Dance (Kpop) AnimationStrong Fundamentals of Animation Body MechanicsProcess of using IK/FK controllers and best practices of Unreal Engine's A.R.T. tools for Autodesk MayaHow to create animation timing for VFX using 3 different styles of rigs (animated texture, mesh, and visual effect rig)Animation timing of these VFX rigs for pipeline production processUnreal Engine's A.R.T. rigging tools for Autodesk MayaUnderstanding hotkeys to animate and rig quicklyAnimating with keyframesAnimating a production ready dance animation (Kpop) quickly and efficientlyAdvanced polish process to create professional level animation ready for game engine (Unreal/Unity) export更多精彩中文Maya教程

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