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admin 2024-05-25 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本软件是由crytek机构出品的CryEngine游戏引擎软件V3.6.14版,CryEngine 3.6.14 Build 3139,大小:4 GB,语言:英语。Crytek正式发布了CryENGINE 2的升级版CryEngine 3,目前Crysis2《孤岛危机2》采用了该引擎。最新的CryE...

本软件是由crytek机构出品的CryEngine游戏引擎软件V3.6.14版,CryEngine 3.6.14 Build 3139,大小:4 GB,语言:英语。

Crytek正式发布了CryENGINE 2的升级版CryEngine 3,目前Crysis2《孤岛危机2》采用了该引擎。最新的CryEngine 3引擎为3版。CryEngine 3引擎是世界上最先进的和大量授权的应用引擎,该引擎不单只是授权给游戏工作室开发游戏,还大量授权给了学校,建筑公司,医院和一些视觉公司和个人使用等,个人使用者可以登录专门的网站注册,然后签署并提交保密协议,就可以获得相应的软件授权拷贝。

最新CryEngine 3引擎将会加入更多的图形功能,更强大的物理破坏效果,动画技术以及多个游戏技术的增强功能,例如大范围开放的环境、建筑内部丰富的细节、高级任务表情以及动作、新的改进版SandBOX编辑器、多种不同平台实时所见即所玩的开发、引擎内色彩等级、程序破坏与物理效果等高级先进技术。CryEngine 3引擎在PC平台上也支持DirectX 9、10、11,并且支持多核心技术来获得对称多处理和超线程,同时也支持32位和64位的版本。

作为声名显赫的CryENGINE引擎的第三代,CryENGINE 3继承了前辈在画质方面的突出造诣,而且这次不仅限于PC平台,还可用于PS3和X360等主机平台,这也是Crytek首次进军游戏机领域

CryEngine 3.6.14 Build 3139

CryENGINE® 3 is a highly advanced development solution that surpasses all expectations for the creation of blockbuster games, movies, high-quality simulations, and interactive applications. The third iteration of Crytek’s proprietary engine is the only all-in-one game development solution for the PC, Xbox 360™, and PlayStation®3 that is truly groundbreaking in itself.

Release notes:


Fixed: Clearing registry data also resets shortcuts during runtime (CE-4155)

Fixed: Closing and re-opening the structure tab in VE crashes the editor (CE-5034)


Fixed: (Input) Fixed small bug in ForceFeedbackEvent() (CE-5129)

Fixed: (Animation) Fixed crash when enabling debug for physicalized bone and face attachment

Fixed: (Server) No longer assume a HUD is always present (CE-5113)

Fixed: (JobSystem) TextureCompiler invoker causing invalid JobState counter (CE-5079)

Fixed: (Animation) Removed VEG sequencing code in CActionScope::CalculateFragmentTimeRemaining() for consistency (CE-5175)

Fixed: (Audio) Fixed audio object ID invalidation on audio proxies during Save/Load


Fixed: Fixed gbuffer velocity generation when tesselation is enabled (CE-3335)

Fixed: Fixed sun specular multiplier in standard shading path (CE-4871)

Fixed: Use area lights for sub when just area light support is enabled

Fixed: Fixed area lights with tiled shading


Fixed: (RC) Slightly improved texture compression quality for certain paths


Fixed: (UI) Clients can only join the server at the top of the server list

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