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SimLab Composer有限元分析软件V18.2.2版

admin 2024-05-25 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本软件是由simlab-soft机构出品的SimLab Composer有限元分析软件V18.2.2版,大小:8.5 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。ANSYS Products 18.0是款功能非常强大的大型通用有限元分析软件;它集中了流体、声场、结构的等分析,也是由目前为止世界上非常出名...

本软件是由simlab-soft机构出品的SimLab Composer有限元分析软件V18.2.2版,大小:8.5 GB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

ANSYS Products 18.0是款功能非常强大的大型通用有限元分析软件;它集中了流体、声场、结构的等分析,也是由目前为止世界上非常出名的美国ANSYS公司研发推出,并且支持大部分的主流的CAD软件接口,以方便您在使用的过程中进行数据的交换或者共享;软件也是现在为止设计行业里面的CAE工具之一,也让您的使用更加的快速,方便;软件的使用领域非常的广泛,包含了重型机械、汽车工业、运动器械、电子产品等等!


ANSYS designs, develops, markets and globally supports engineering simulation solutions used to predict how product designs will behave in manufacturing and real-world environments. Its integrated, modular and extensible set of solutions addresses the needs of organizations in a wide range of industries. ANSYS’ solutions qualify risk, enabling organizations to know if their designs are acceptable or unacceptable — not just that they will function as designed.

ANSYS helps organizations achieve:

Innovative and high-quality products and processes

Fewer physical prototypes and test set-ups

Faster return on investment due to reduced development time

A more flexible and responsive information-based development process, enabling the modification of designs at later stages of development

A front-end simulation strategy that offers a superior method for bringing products to market in less time and with fewer costs

Digital Exploration

There are many reasons to use simulation early in the development process, but time to market and cost are chief among them. Around 80 percent of a product’s development costs are locked in early in the concept phases, making early rapid iterations critical. By performing very quick “what-if” analyses, you can study the behavior of a product early in the process and avoid getting stuck with an unworkable designs and rework in the validation stage. Digital Exploration helps you bring innovation to market faster and less expensively.

Digital Prototype

Digital prototyping enables designs to be optimized, verified and validated against requirements using structural, thermal, electromagnetic and fluidic simulation, either in isolation or in coupled multiphysics or system-level studies. You can build an accurate and comprehensive simulation model to predict the performance of your detailed designs and reduce the need for physical testing. Digital protoypes provide insight into actual product performance and enable you to rapidly innovate beyond the limits of traditional build-test-break-redesign methods.

Digital Twin

Pervasive engineering simulation isn’t limited to the product development process. A digital twin is a real-time, virtual copy of an actual operating machine that provides insight into individual product performance and maintenance. Sensors on the machine relay data — temperature, pressure, flow rate, voltage, loading, etc. — to the digital twin, and the twin evolves in step with the machines working environment. The digital twin can predict conditions long before they happen, so you can take corrective actions during scheduled downtime, rather than making an untimely shutdown. You can also use the collected data to improve the design of next-generation products.

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composer 有限元分析 ansys products

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