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HDR Light Studio Tungsten高动态范围3D渲染软件V6.2.0.2019.0719版

admin 2024-05-25 7次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本软件是关于HDR Light Studio Tungsten高动态范围3D渲染软件V6.2.0.2019.0719版,大小:240 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。HDR Light Studio是一款专业级高动态范围3D渲染软件,能够帮助3D艺术家快速设计、创建、调整HDRI高动态范围照...

本软件是关于HDR Light Studio Tungsten高动态范围3D渲染软件V6.2.0.2019.0719版,大小:240 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

HDR Light Studio是一款专业级高动态范围3D渲染软件,能够帮助3D艺术家快速设计、创建、调整HDRI高动态范围照明/反射图,包括摄影工作室光照效果。

HDR Light Studio为3D计算机图形艺术家而生,帮助建立专业摄影样式的产品渲染效果,产品包装,以及媒介。


HDR Light Studio作为HDRI制作软件,为CG场景创建HDR照明与反射贴图,提供了各种摄影灯具元素,可以轻松制作出优秀的产品布光环境,加快渲染速度!使用HDR Light Studo带给你最大的好处是灯光的操作及放置更为方便,测试也更为快速,而在大型区域的的灯光投射上也更加平滑且快速,你可以自己创造一个灯光的系统来配合你方案上的需求。


HDRLight Studio Tungsten功能简介:Lightmap公司发布了HDR Light Studio Tungsten,这是这款实时灯光设计工具的最新版本,新增了用来组合灯光的多功能复合灯光(Composites)系统。


设计自己的合成HDRI工作室照明HDR Light Studio被应用于从汽车和设计可视化到视觉特效等多个领域,允许艺术家设计自己的合成HDRI灯光。




Tungsten版本实际上就是HDR Light Studio 2019.1,Lightmap公司去年已经转而使用主要更新的代码名称了。

该系统的工作方式类似于After Effects中的预编译,允许用户在生成最终的合成HDRI灯光之前,将软件灯光列表中的单独光源组合成一个统一的光源。






新版本软件还扩展了Add、Multiply和Low Pass混合模式。


捆绑的插件包括DCC工具的所有连接插件——3ds Max、Cinema 4D、Houdini、LightWave、Maxwell Studio、Maya、Modo和OctaneRender独立软件,另外还有Rhino和SolidWorks Visualize。


后者提供了标准绑定版本DeltaGen、Patchwork 3D和VRED中未包含的三款其他连接插件,以及额外的支持选项。


HDR Light Studio software provides 3D artists with a new way to light 3D imagery. Paint your shot with lights. The lighting process is now easy, fast, precise, creative and enjoyable. HDR Light Studio builds lighting that is used by your existing 3D software and renderer. By adding HDR Light Studio, 3D artists become more productive and image quality improves.Interactive Image Based LightingThe dynamic HDRI environment map is updated in real-time as lights are added and adjusted, as is the Render View that is lit by it.HDRI Area LightsHDR Light Studio can also create and control 3D Area Lights / Emitters inside your 3D software. These are positioned with the same intuative interface, clicking and dragging on the 3D model.Use Standalone or ConnectedHDR Light Studio can be used standalone – load a 3D scene and produce the perfect HDRI map.Light Sources: ProceduralHDR Light Studio is best known for creating studio lighting – especially suited to reflective materials. Procedural lights can be precisely controlled and positioned to create a wide variety of lighting effects.Light Sources: ImagesFor the most realistic lighting effects – load HDR images as light sources in HDR Light Studio. Image based light sources bring high levels of realism with subtle details and imperfections seen in reflections.Includes a Library of Light SourcesHDR Light Studio includes a library of over 200 high quality HDR photographs of soft boxes, spot lights, windows and even clouds.Render View & LightPaintThe Render View is a key feature of HDR Light Studio’s lighting interface. Lights are positioned by clicking and dragging on the Render View – we call this patented process LightPaint.Area LightsArea Lights are controlled with LightPaint and are compatible with 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D and MODO.Handles Huge ScenesThe Render View and LightPaint remain fast even with huge scenes. For example this 3D scene has 19,514,622 polygons.Matching PhotographyWhen blending photography and CG imagery, matching the lighting between the photographic content and the CG elements is key to a successful and believable image. If a HDRI map of the location has not been captured then a lighting setup needs building from scratch. HDR Light Studio makes this process easy and enabling the rapid creation of a suitable lighting environment.Enhancing RealityWhen reality isn’t enough. Load HDRI maps shot on location and add additional light sources to bring your subject to life. Just like on a real photoshoot, beauty lights are added to make your subject the star of the show.Procedural SkyHDR Light Studio includes a procedural sky shader. Replace the sky on an existing HDRI map and use an alpha ramp to control the horizon position and softness. Drag and drop the included Cloud preset images onto the sky for added realism. The sun disc can be increased in size whilst maintaining its overall lighting contribution, allowing for creative decisions about the sun scale. The sun disc has a controllable soft edge.Mix Up Your MapsLoad more than one HDRI map into HDR Light Studio and use the alpha ramp to blend between them. Use saturation adjustments and color filtering, via blend modes, to take control of color and create a better match. Enabling you to get more out of your existing HDRI collection.More than LightsThe HDR Canvas is a compositor for HDR and LDR content, supporting a range of image formats, mappings and blend modes.Portable LightingHDRI maps are the ultimate portable lighting format. They can be used with different renderers and produce predictable and accurate results. Especially with physically based rendering.Industry StandardsVFX artists will be pleased to know HDR Light Studio has progressed to embrace some industry standards. HDR Light Studio uses OpenColorIO color management and supports loading Alembic scene files. In order to efficiently handle very large image files, HDR Light Studio will automatically convert image files to mip-mapped and tiled images, saving them as .tx files. When using .tx files, HDR Light Studio only loads the image resolution and area needed – this vastly improves image load times and performance.

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