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Blender模型弯曲插件 Bender V1.1.4 – Simple Bend Add-On

admin 2024-05-24 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
http://cloud.video.taobao.com/play/u/null/p/1/e/6/t/1/419967376060.mp4Blender模型弯曲插件 Bender V1.1.4 – Simple Bend Add-On可以任意对模型做弯曲处理,整体完全或者模型的部分弯曲,也可以做...

Blender模型弯曲插件 Bender V1.1.4 – Simple Bend Add-On


Bender is an addon for Blender that simply allows you to bend geometry. You can bend different parts of your mesh and you can bend it multiple times. All bending happens procedurally so you can go back and adjust the settings of any of the bends you did.


  • 3.4,3.5


  • 在顶部菜单编辑(Edit)-偏好设置(Preference)-插件(Add-ons)-安装(Install),弹窗里选择对应ZIP安装

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