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C4D插件包挤出圆角倒角投射细分工具 Kaktak LegacyBundle v0.21.1

admin 2024-05-24 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
C4D插件包挤出圆角倒角投射细分工具 Kaktak LegacyBundle v0.21.1C4D的一些快捷工具的集合包,比如倒角、圆角、样条线复制、UV投射、挤出、细分等0.21.0 — Material Transformer. Field-based Material tag transfor...

Kaktak Legacybundle

C4D插件包挤出圆角倒角投射细分工具 Kaktak LegacyBundle v0.21.1


0.21.0 — Material Transformer. Field-based Material tag transformations.
0.20.0 — UV Reprojector. Procedurally creates basic UV Maps.
0.19.0 — Weighter & Colorer. Field-based points/polygon weight & color map modifiers.
0.18.0 — Selector. Field-based point/edge/polygon selector.
0.17.0 — Extruder. Field-base polygon extruder.
0.16.0 — Dissolver & Subdivider. One for dissolve/delete points/edges/polygons. Other is for polygons subdivide.
0.14.0 — Thickener is introduced. Cloth Surface object thickness replacement.
0.13.0 — PolyCopy is introduced. Connect-like object for mesh.
0.12.0 — EdgePathFinder. Builds shortest edge paths between start/end points.
0.10.0 — EdgeLiner. Mesh edges to splines.
0.8.0 — Trimmer. Trim splines and animate offsets.
0.7.0 — SplineCopy. Connect-like object for splines.
0.6.0 — Shuffler. To shuffle spline start point and it’s direction.
0.5.0 — Set of five spline plugins: Outliner, Rounder, Chamferer, Resampler and Filterer.


Cinema 4D R23 – 2023

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