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三维综合性软件Luxology Modo 801 x64

admin 2024-05-24 9次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
三维综合性软件Luxology Modo 801 x64modo是一款高级多边形细分曲面,建模、雕刻、3D绘画、动画与渲染的综合性3D软件。由Luxology, LLC设计并维护。该软件具备许多高级技术,诸如N-gons(允许存在边数为4以上的多边形),多层次的3D绘画与边权重工具,可以运行在苹果的...

三维综合性软件Luxology Modo 801 x64

三维综合性软件Luxology Modo 801 x64

modo是一款高级多边形细分曲面,建模、雕刻、3D绘画、动画与渲染的综合性3D软件。由Luxology, LLC设计并维护。该软件具备许多高级技术,诸如N-gons(允许存在边数为4以上的多边形),多层次的3D绘画与边权重工具,可以运行在苹果的Mac OS X与微软的Microsoft Windows操作平台。

MODO 801提供的设计意念,游戏内容创作,角色动画,和生产高品质的广告画面创新和完善工作流程。创建时考虑艺术性的工作流程, MODO 801把乐趣放回数字内容创作和设计。与自由探索,艺术家和设计师可以专注于最大限度地提高输出质量在较短时间内创造性的努力。




新的总结,格子和贝塞尔变形器扩展MODO的强劲运算的顺序(000 )变形工具。该包裹变形大大提高MODO的吊装工具集使动画在高分辨率的物体,如字符网格。贝塞尔消泡剂给人惊艳的控制复杂的曲线为基础的变形。

引用在MODO 801提供了高效的协同工作流和资产重用,仅仅简单的工作。无需手动维护和更新多个主场景或设置 - 具有显著增强的参照工作流程,使覆盖引用场景中的项目和管理复杂的场景与创作,可以同时执行分段的部分更加有效的协作。

MODO 801功能更先进的二次照明功能在NUKE与另外漫反射系数输出。当在NUKE原漫反射颜色组合,弥漫性量和节约能源将等于扩散系数。 MODO 801还包括一个完全集成的色彩管理管道,建立在行业标准OpenColorIO库,配套NUKE的默认配置 - 确保在所有应用程序的色彩一致性的集体。 MODO和Mari之间的数据交换现在拥有UDIM进口以及其它改进与UDIM瓷砖的工作更有效率。

进一步的补充和细化,以MODO的动力学和粒子系统使您创造性地 - 即使是最雄心勃勃的想法是可能的。特效艺术家现在可以模拟弹性绳索和铁链,粉碎对象来创建逼真的毁灭动画或使用新胶系统来模拟层,易碎的约束。


MODO 801造型的头发和皮毛时,大大提高了交互性和控制。新的头发导向件可从基部的几何形状来生成或从现有的导轨内插。艺术家们甚至可以引导草图直接在屏幕上,并比较它们约束到基面。管理复杂的发型,现在与另外毛集和改进指导工作流程更加容易。

MODO 801可以让你画的整个表面曲线有更大的控制权。对于刷新自动缩放和2D/3D曲线选项同时提高绘画和雕刻工作流程。这些画曲线可以作为设计的外观的一部分,引导用于建模或造型的元素。

MODO 801现在有烘焙工具和访问该游戏艺术家需要。新的渲染项目渠道提供更大的控制权与顶点映射输出的分辨率和笼烘焙,现在可以用来从一个对象烤法线贴图信息到另一个。此外,对于正常地图烘烤和渲染切线向量类型的选择包括在其中所产生的法线图的计算在与流行的游戏引擎线的新选项。

使用效果更佳编辑时复杂的UV布局或MODO 801创建平铺UDIMs紫外线的选择,摄像头导航和涂料的选择过程。性能均已显著随着新的UV拆开包装拆开包装改进在更短的时间和放松的支持基础的角度工具扁平化的方法。其他增强功能像显示无效的,包UDIM , SlipUV启动状态,并且对称化合并继续MODO的紫外线最佳的工作流程在课堂上。

经常MODO场景包含了很多的是非常有用的两个动画师和其他人谁愿意审查或返工的场景的信息。在MODO 801 GL的措施使艺术家们暴露在视窗中显示相关信息,使得场景在协作环境中更具可读性的能力。

更多的预设材质类型已被添加到MODO 801让艺术家能够更容易地增加真实感含有复杂的场景,但自然现象。模拟油对水的外观或五颜六色的漩涡经常观察肥皂泡用新的基于物理的薄膜材料或增益功能强大的控制权视角依赖性的影响,其中光被衍射,表面上创造独特的彩虹效应,与新的虹彩材料。材料控制进一步改进还配备了新的蜂窝泊松噪声和屏幕空间曲率的纹理。

MODO 801带来了高端的功能,以群众,建立在这是在上一版本实现了突破性的内容创建功能。在终端到终端的3D工作流程的几乎每一个元素进行了改进和调整中从众多行业应对大量的客户反馈。

MODO 801 offers innovative new and refined workflows for design ideation, game content creation, character animation, and producing high-quality advertising images. Created with artistic workflows in mind, MODO 801 puts the fun back into digital content creation and design. With the freedom to explore, artists and designers can focus on creative efforts that maximize quality output in less time.

Nodal Shading
Enhancing the existing material process, the new nodal shading view let's artists of every level create more complex shaders and materials. Artists can now more easily visualize complex material setups quickly and alter values of textures and shaders on a per-sample basis with the new Shader Inputs or Procedural Output channels for color, value and alpha. Users of other 3D packages might also find this to be a more familiar working environment now.

Enhanced snapping
Create complex sets of snapping conditions with the addition of new snapping presets, enhanced snapping options and intelligent snapping controls. This re-invented toolset adds precision and intelligence to the modeling process and features an almost unlimited number of combinations that automatically react to the context in which you are working.

Animation Improvements
New keyframing features include Time Markers, Onion Skinning, Spacing Charts, and In-between Tools. These additions to the animation workflow will resonate with traditional animators and make MODO even more approachable to those learning. Animators can now also load standard motion capture formats or transfer existing MODO character animation more easily with the easy to use retargeting toolset. All these tools provide the perfect framework to animate believable characters.

Rigging and Deformers
The new Wrap, Lattice and Bezier Deformers extend MODO’s robust Order of Operations (OoO) deformation tools. The Wrap Deformer greatly enhances MODO’s rigging toolsets enabling animation on high-resolution objects such as character meshes. The Bezier Deformer gives amazing control over complex curve-based deformations.

Referencing in MODO 801 allows for efficient collaborative workflows and asset reuse that just simply works. Collaborate more efficiently with significantly enhanced referencing workflows that enable overriding referenced scene items and manage complex scene creation with segmented portions that can be executed simultaneously - eliminating the need to maintain and manually update multiple master scenes or setups.

MODO 801 features more advanced relighting capabilities in NUKE with the addition of Diffuse Coefficient Outputs. When combined in NUKE raw diffuse color, diffuse amount and energy conservation will equal the diffuse coefficient. MODO 801 also includes a fully integrated color management pipeline, built on the industry standard OpenColorIO library, matching NUKE’s default config - ensuring color consistency across all applications in the COLLECTIVES. The data exchange between MODO and MARI now features UDIM import as well as other improvements for working more efficiently with UDIM tiles.

Dynamics and Particles
Further additions and refinements to MODO’s Dynamics and Particle system frees you creatively - even the most ambitious ideas are possible. Effects artists can now simulate flexible ropes and chains, shatter objects to create realistic destruction animations or use the new Glue system to simulate layers with breakable constraints.

Improved dynamic replicators now allow replicated objects to interact with each other using the dynamics system.

Hair and Fur
MODO 801 dramatically improves interactivity and control when styling hair and fur. New hair guides can be generated from the base geometry or interpolated from existing guides. Artists can even sketch guides directly on the screen and relatively constrain them to the base surface. Managing complex hairstyles is now much easier with the addition of Hair Sets and improvements to guide workflows.

Painting and Sculpting Enhancements
MODO 801 lets you paint curved lines across a surface with greater control. The new Auto Scale and 2D/3D curve options for brushes improve both painting and sculpting workflows. These painted curves could be used as part of the design’s look, guides for modeling or elements of a sculpt.

Texture Baking
MODO 801 now has the baking tools and access that games artists need. New render item channels provide greater control over output resolutions and cage baking with a vertex map can now be used to bake normal map information from one object to another. In addition, a choice of tangent vector types for normal map baking and rendering includes a new option in which the resulting normal map is computed in line with popular game engines.

UV Unwrap
Unwrap with better results in less time when editing complex UV layouts or creating tiled UDIMs in MODO 801. Performance of the UV selection, camera navigation and paint selection processes have all been significantly improved along with new UV unwrap and relax tools that support an Angle Based flattening method. Other enhancements like Show Inactive, Pack UDIM, SlipUV startup state, Symmetrize and Merge continue to make MODO’s UV workflows best in class.

GL Measures
Often MODO scenes contain a lot of information that is useful to both animators and anyone else who wishes to review or rework a scene. The GL Measures in MODO 801 give artists the ability to expose relevant information in the viewport display, making scenes more readable in a collaborative environment.

New Materials and Textures
Additional preset material types have been added to MODO 801 allowing artists to more easily add realism to scenes containing complex, yet natural phenomena. Simulate the oil-on-water look or the colorful swirls often observed on a soap bubble with the new physically based Thin Film material or gain powerful control over viewing-angle-dependent effects where light is diffracted, creating unique rainbow effects on a surface, with the new Iridescence material. Further improvements to material control also come with the new Poisson Cellular Noise and Screen-Space Curvature textures.

General Improvements
MODO 801 brings high-end features to the masses and builds upon the groundbreaking content creation functionality that was implemented in the last release. Nearly every element of the end-to-end 3D workflow has been improved upon and tweaked in response to extensive customer feedback from a wide range of industries.






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