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Harry Frank大神加油

admin 2024-05-24 4次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
http://www.graymachine.com/For almost 10 years, I’ve been doing all these presets, tutorials, demos.. not to mention countless hours of tutorials and...


For almost 10 years, I’ve been doing all these presets, tutorials, demos.. not to mention countless hours of tutorials and more forum posts than I’d like to admit. Rarely have I ever asked for much in return. I’ve always felt that giving has its way of giving back.

About a month ago, my wife and I discussed with a nice Portland Doctor how a fairly common procedure done to about 1 out of 125 boys in the late 70s starts to break down and cause problems in men around the age of 38. I made it to 39. I can’t leave it the way it is. I need to have it corrected.

So, now I need surgery. Actually, I need two surgeries. These surgeries will require me to see a specialist out of state, stay there for a couple weeks, and then head home. While I am out, my family will quite likely need a hired hand to help with our 2 boys while my spouse starts a new teaching job.

How can you help? Well, I am not happy or proud to have say this, but these surgeries will cost well beyond my ability to pay for them, even after insurance. Our budget is stretched thin enough as it is. Not to mention the flights and cost of living out of state for a couple weeks. It sucks. I wish I had another way out of this, but I don’t. I don’t have $50,000 lying around. People will want their money soon, and as much as I throw at them, they always want more. I’ve reached a breaking point and don’t know where else to turn.

So, if you have something to spare, please consider helping out my family defer these costs. I will forever be in your debt.

Click here to visit my medical expense fundraiser page.









在之前的10年中,Harry在他的领域一直是一个无私奉献的人,他付出自己的时间和支持帮助别人而不求回报。不过,今天他求情你一点小小的帮助,目前他正面临一个多阶段的手术治疗,需要在UC Irvine医学中心占坑,甚至算上保险,手术对他来说仍旧太过昂贵,超出了Frank家庭能够承受的极限。如果没有你的帮助,这些治疗与康复可能会被取消,请考虑做一点小小的贡献来帮助他负担治疗的费用支出。


Trapcode Particular 1 & 2, After Effects Expressions 1 – 6, and Trapcode Form Training.




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