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AE脚本:MG动画设计项目管理表达式及渲染输出脚本MG必备脚本 bingo v1.0 免费下载

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AEscripts bingo使用教程: AE脚本:MG动画设计项目管理表达式及渲染输出脚本MG必备脚本AEscripts bingo v1.0 免费下载运动图形设计师Hai Le创建了一个AE脚本,用来帮助MG动画设计师运动的设计的开始,并保持一个良好的AE项目文件管理,AEscripts bi...

AE脚本:MG动画设计项目管理表达式及渲染输出脚本MG必备脚本 bingo v1.0 免费下载
AEscripts bingo使用教程:
AE脚本:MG动画设计项目管理表达式及渲染输出脚本MG必备脚本AEscripts bingo v1.0 免费下载

运动图形设计师Hai Le创建了一个AE脚本,用来帮助MG动画设计师运动的设计的开始,并保持一个良好的AE项目文件管理,AEscripts bingo脚本有项目管理,表达式,静帧输出,图层帮助,项目清理,输出等等

Hai Le是平面运动图形设计师,是越南河内的艺术总监。自2004年以来,Le一直在东南亚地区创意产业与多家媒体公司,如Turner Broadcasting Systems广播系统,BDA Creatives,越南国家电视台。


Bingo for After Effects,保持组织和帮助你的动作设计工作流程的一切

Bingo是一个真正的工作流程工具,可以让你快速设置和组织运动设计项目。如果您熟悉Post Haste,Bingo也很相似,但不同之处在于它是在内置访问,并且还允许你创建你需要为你的项目的任何元素。

Bingo for After Effects
Bingo作为一个脚本,能够在After Effects以面板的形式出现,并包含三个选项卡,以帮助您的工作流程。

The Project Creator tab项目创建者标签,将包含的东西,这将帮助您设置和创建项目为你的项目。你可以给你的项目的名称,ADDA名构图面板中设置补偿的帧速率,持续时间和背景颜色。


The Clean Tab清理标签,让您在点击按钮优化您的项目资产。这将摆脱该项目未使用的资产,同时也产生了什么做了报道。干净的标签还包含降低了工程和排序,你正在使用的资产中的按钮。

您还可以设置图层组,并设置颜色为他们 - 一个非常好的方式来组织你的作文面板在After Effects

The Render Tab渲染选项卡中的Bingo包含了所有你需要快速创建一个渲染形成项目的事情。您可以轻松地设置输出目录,编码格式,分辨率,持续时间和预览渲染设置。

Bingo for After Effect,可以让你保持组织和帮助你的动作设计工作流程,都在一个地方,这样方便使用一切,总是在手。

Bingo for After Effects的特点:


Bingo脚本支持After Effects CC 2014或更高版本。你需要在AE首选项菜单开启Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network。对于第一次运行时,单击安装组件点击INSTALL COMPONENT,使其充分发挥作用。


The Project Creator tab will contains things that will help you set up and create items for you project. You can give your project a name, adda name for your composition panel, set the comp’s frame rate, duration and background color.

The creator tab also houses tools for quickly creating still frame exports. This can be handy for creating style frames from a project, or snapping off something quick for output. You can also create, swap, and offset layers, or layer helpers with the Project Creator tab in Bingo.

The Clean Tab, lets you optimize your project assets with the click of a button. This will get rid of unused assets in the project, while also generating a report of what was done. The clean tab also contains a button for reducing the project, and sorting the assets that you are working with.

You can also set up layer groups, and set colors for them — a really nice way to organize your composition panel in After Effects

The Render Tab in Bingo contains all the things you need to quickly create a render form your project. You can easily set output directories, encoding formats, resolution, duration, and preview render settings.

Bingo for After Effects has everything that you need to stay organized and help your motion design workflow, all in one place so that it is easily accessible, and always at hand.

Bingo for After Effects

Bingo for After Effects features:
Create new project with well-organized folders for motion designers
Composition background toggle with 3 options: Bright, Dark and Transparent
Auto-layout and create styleframes from chosen frames
Snapshot any current frame to jpeg file
Handy tools for layer: controller: null, parent null, adjustment layer, control slider … shape creating system with cloner, layer tweak: offset, swap position, anchor point snap
Apply fast expression with customize-able parameters
Retrieve/edit/import/export exp file with Expression editor.
On-screen effect menu with almost-everyday-used color correction/effects/third-party plugin tools
Clean the project and sort out project items by type
Set, precomp, disable, enable or remove layer groups
3 options for render: Preview, Full, Range with individual attributes.
The Bingo Script supports After Effects CC 2014 or later. You need to Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network on AE’s Preferences Menu before running Bingo script. For first run, click Install Component next to Bingo logo to make it fully functioned.

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AE脚本兼容Adobe After Effects CC 2015,CC 2014



C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects "对应你的AE版本"\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels\ (可停靠面板)

Master HD/Applications/Adobe After Effects "对应你的AE版本"/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels/ (可停靠面板)



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