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AE Form插件制作高科技UI界面元素动画教程Lynda Trapcode Form Making UI Elements 含英文字幕

admin 2024-05-24 8次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
AE Form插件制作高科技UI界面元素动画教程Lynda Trapcode Form Making UI Elements 含英文字幕在这期AE教程中,主要学习如何使用Trapcode Form插件制作引人入胜的用户界面的所有核心功能,Trapcode Form是Adobe After Effe...

AE Form插件制作高科技UI界面元素动画教程Lynda Trapcode Form Making UI Elements 含英文字幕

AE Form插件制作高科技UI界面元素动画教程Lynda Trapcode Form Making UI Elements 含英文字幕

在这期AE教程中,主要学习如何使用Trapcode Form插件制作引人入胜的用户界面的所有核心功能,Trapcode Form是Adobe After Effects的3D粒子生成器。在构建项目时,您可以看到可视化设计器、控件和预置的强大功能,并了解从头创建自定义UI元素所需的基本工具和技术。讲师Chad perkins和官方Trapcode Form 4培训程序演示了如何制作组件、使用层映射控制表单、使用表单精灵创建独特的粒子以及使用音频波形控制动画。另外,学习如何使用3D文件创建表单形状。

Learn all of the core features for making engaging user interfaces with Trapcode Form, a 3D particle generator for Adobe After Effects. This fun, project-based course guides you through the process for building an animated user interface for a fictional, futuristic facial recognition program. While you build the project, you can see the power of the visual designer, controls, and presets in action and learn the basic tools and techniques you need to create your own custom UI elements from scratch. Adobe Certified Instructor Chad Perkins—and official Trapcode Form 4 trainer—shows how to make components, control Form with layer maps, create unique particles with Form sprites, and control animation with audio waveforms. Plus, learn how to use 3D files to create Form shapes.

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