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121集每周学习并掌握一个AE特效技巧教程Lynda After Effects Weekly 2021.5.14更新 含英文字幕

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121集每周学习并掌握一个AE特效技巧教程Lynda After Effects Weekly 2021.5.14更新 含英文字幕在过去的几年中,After Effects已从简单的软件程序发展成为一个不断发展的运动图形生态系统。每个季度都会添加新功能,并且很难跟上。在这期AE教程中,作者在每周系列...

121集每周学习并掌握一个AE特效技巧教程Lynda After Effects Weekly 2021.5.14更新  含英文字幕

121集每周学习并掌握一个AE特效技巧教程Lynda After Effects Weekly 2021.5.14更新 含英文字幕

在过去的几年中,After Effects已从简单的软件程序发展成为一个不断发展的运动图形生态系统。每个季度都会添加新功能,并且很难跟上。在这期AE教程中,作者在每周系列演示了技巧,窍门,以帮助您掌握AE变化的功能,并揭示了你不知道的效果和捷径。包括了解如何重置工具,控制动画,创建效果,控制图层,修复问题,渲染GiF以及如何与Photoshop,Illustrator和Cinema 4D集成。在每个星期五调一个新的提示,目前已更新121集,教程还在不断的更新中,英文字幕(暂无中文字幕)

During the last few years, After Effects has grown from a simple software program into an ever-evolving motion graphics ecosystem. New features are being added each quarter and it's getting hard to keep up. This weekly series demonstrates tips, tricks, and techniques to help you to stay on top of the changes and reveals undocumented effects and shortcuts that will blow you away. Learn how to reset tools, control animations, create effects, control layers, fix issues, and integrate with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Cinema 4D. Tune in every Friday for a new tip.

Eran Stern是一位教师和动作设计师,在后期制作领域拥有超过二十年的经验。Eran建立了帮助设计师提高视觉效果和动态图形技能的记录。作为Adobe专家,他曾在国际会议上发表过演讲,例如NAB Show上的后期制作世界,After Effects世界,关键帧和Adobe MAX。Eran创建了一些资源和内容,您可以在他的网站SternFX.com上找到这些资源和内容。他从事屏幕设计工作超过二十年,并曾担任Shenkar运动图形部门的负责人。他是音乐,电影,书籍和回忆的收集者。您会发现他正处于极客和冷静的边缘。

After Effects Weekly
0. New This Week
01 Mask modes
1. Introduction
01 Welcome
2. After Effects Weekly
01 Animated decorative shapes
02 Random shapes animation
03 Fix Photoshop layers
04 Bouncy animation
05 Cut out stop-motion animation
06 Dangerous curves
07 Reveal layers and melt colors
08 Track matte with Colorama
09 Match color and motion blur
10 Useful utility effects
11 Morph type weights
12 Create jumpy characters
13 Shatter and explode
14 Changing the default Cinema 4D file
15 Parenting Cinema 4D files
16 Extracting Cinema 4D passes
17 Extracting Cinema 4D layers
18 Environment options
19 Easy seamless textures
20 Creating fan cards animation
21 Folding elements
22 Choosing the best color to key
23 Render Water
24 Liquid Text
25 Stabilizing color
26 Displacement recipe
27 Alternative options, part 1
28 Alternative options, part 2
29 Reset tools
30 Poster time and thumbnails
31 Hidden things
32 Timeline extras
33 Uprez video
34 Good parenting
35 Light control
36 Object orientation
37 Render to GIF
38 Silky smooth roller titles
39 Upgrade legacy blurs
40 Animating with transitions
41 Compositing smoke and water
42 Fade audio
43 Audio breakdown
44 Vignette options
45 Easy, fast pie chart
46 Scrub colors
47 Accelerated effects
48 Faking rack focus
49 Export a Premiere Pro project
50 Open multiple After Effects instances
51 Easter eggs
52 Content-Aware Fill
53 Removing the wobbling effect
54 Ghost smearing effect
55 Applying tracking to an effect point
56 Reverse stabilization
57 Puppet tool tricks
58 Animating an emoji
59 Using masks to control effects
60 Refine edge matte
61 Creating a watermark template
62 Creating a social animation template
63 Baking Cinema 4D keyframes
64 Saving Photoshop layers
65 Importing Illustrator artwork through XD
66 Reposition the anchor point
67 White balance workflow
68 Chromatic aberration effect
69 Maintain hair details
70 Compositing with multichannel EXR
71 Isometric camera
72 Camera control
73 Infinite zoom
74 The Dependencies menu
75 Water effects, part 1
76 Water effects, part 2
77 Water effects, part 3
78 Effect controls
79 Drop-down menu control
80 Auto-trace video
81 Fast bokeh
82 Reset the camera tracker
83 Contact shadows
84 Light transmission
85 3D channel effects
86 Depth using duplicates
87 Per-character 3D text
88 Keyframes 101
89 Control paths
90 Animating paint strokes
91 Stretch lights
92 Revealing using offset paths
93 Concentric shape repeaters
94 Tapered shape strokes
95 Unmult
96 Creating a precise matte with Auto-trace
97 Auto resize comp
98 Planar tracking
99 Attaching graffiti to a building
100 Compositing sky and birds
101 Paint bucket matte
102 Exporting alpha channel
103 Firey, swirly text
104 Dynamic text templates
105 Paragraph text settings
106 Clone Stamp tool
107 The importance of mockups
108 Match curvature surface distortion
109 Merge camera
110 Viewport render
111 Quick multi-plane
112 Advanced camera options
113 Particles controller
114 Eyedropper tips
115 Changing stroke caps and weight
116 Controlling word spacing
117 Rotobrush 2.0
118 Mask modes
119 3D design workspace

AE模板+AE脚本-高科技军事信息化动态元素包HUD模版Quantum HUD Infographic v2
中文汉化版-红巨星粒子特效AE插件包Red Giant Trapcode Suite 15.1.6 Win/Mac 含多个注册码
中文汉化版-红巨人特效合成抠像平面跟踪AE/PR插件Red Giant VFX Suite 1.0.1 Win
中文汉化版-AE节点式三维粒子插件Superluminal Stardust 1.5.0

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